DH graduated college last May and a couple weeks later, he decided he didn't want to teach. ever. His degree (and mine too) is in elementary education. He had a really hard teacher during his student teaching experience and it discouraged him from wanting to work anywhere near a school.

The problem with this is- he decided (in his head) that he never wanted to teach 2 weeks before our wedding and he didn't tell me. Over the summer, he was working at McDonald's because his dad is the GM at one around here. DH has worked in the food industry a lot (his parents once owned a restaurant, he also worked in fast food in high school). Once he found out what his dad made (as a manager), which is almost triple what teachers make here in NC, he thought "I want to work at McDonald's as my career."

That's not the part that bothered me so much though- he wanted to stay at this one franchise because "They treat their employees well." This franchise consists of 9 restaurants in 2 counties (literally in the middle of nowhere). I worked an hour from this town where he was working and I quit my job. Around here, preschool teachers get paid close to minimum wage. In order to make more money, I have to drive 45 minutes one way to my new job. This situation has put a strain on our relationship for these reasons:

1) He has a scholarship that he's has to pay back if he doesn't teach for 4 out of the next 7 years (totaling about $26,000)
2) He made this decision and didn't talk to me about it because "we weren't married yet" at the time
3) I had to leave my job I loved and move to a town where I know no one except DH and his parents
4) It took us 4 months out here to find a rental house because its the middle of nowhere, so during that (newlywed) time, we were living with his parents

So ANYWAYS, around Christmas DH realized how ridiculous he had been throughout all of this. He has slowly began to miss teaching. I stopped myself from saying "I told you so" and I was just quietly hoping and praying. He applied for a job yesterday, interviewed, and got it today! He's going to be replacing a 2nd grade teacher who is going on maternity leave, for the remainder of the school year. There's potential for a position beginning next year too! This school is closer to the area where we want to live and I can get my old job back!!

I'm over the moon thrilled!!