Im overwhelmed by the dishes that need washing every day.
We are usually good at packing lunch. Now with DD in school that means 3 lunch boxes per day. We would like to be even better and pack breakfasts (really meal plan and pack ahead) but that means another 2 sets of tupperware that needs washed.
DD3 has bottles and I have pump parts.
We try to cook at home as much as possible because eating out with 3 kids is hard and expensive. But that is another few pots pans and then 4 plates and 4 cups per night.
Another problem is DH doesn't like to put it all in the dishwasher. He thinks the tuperwear lids get warped and will only hand wash knives and pots and pans. Plus we need the bottles so those get done by hand too.
How do you manage all the washing? I hate to go to disposable but Its a 20 min chore each night.