I put LO down for the night around 20 minutes ago.
15 minutes ago, she woke up crying! Luckily we have a gate around her floor bed (thanks @banana!) so she can't crawl out of bed anymore.

I watched her on the monitor standing at the gate crying for 3 minutes and had a REALLY hard time not going up to soothe her.. especially when she started calling "umma!" (mom in korean). *wahhhh

She stopped crying and played with her Llama llama red pajama for a minute and FELL BACK ASLEEP!

I heard her say "Umma" one last time before she fell asleep though! ahhhhhhhhhhh hurts me so much.

I really want to go up and lie next to her but she's sleeping.
Just wanted to share. It's SO hard being strong!! Haha.