I know the title sounds bad. We both feel like we are giving 110%, but the reality is that I’m doing most of the work.

He thinks he’s giving it all he can. But he doesn’t realize that he is actually doing the bare minimum and his “best” is making me feel overworked and isolated, like we aren’t really in this thing together. Things like, “I can’t take both girls to the park by myself, it’s too much. I can only take one.” Or “I can’t do the girls’ hair, it’s too hard.” Or the other day when we were supposed to go Christmas shopping as a family, but he asked for five minutes in the car before joining us. Sure! Everyone needs a break sometimes...He didn’t come in until I called him over an hour later, just before we checked out.

It came to a head last night when I needed him to be on his game and instead, he was on his phone (again). We were waiting in line to see Santa. I said, “DD 2 is getting impatient, I really need some help.” His response was to grab the hood of her jacket and yank her back into line, which caused a huge meltdown. “I didn’t mean that kind of help,” I snapped at him. “Don’t ask for help and then criticize me.” The evening only went downhill from there. It was bad.

The thing is, I know he feels terribly stressed out. I know he feels like he is doing his best. But I’m stressed out, too. And I’m tired of seeing other fathers I know shouldering more responsibility. But you can’t just say that to someone. They’ll think you’re being narcissistic (“You think YOU do everything?”) or that you’re being too harsh and unloving. We both feel used up and tapped out, so going to him with this problem seems pointless. But obviously something about our dynamic needs to change. I don’t know. Has anyone successfully navigated this issue before?