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Does your SO have a preference for your birth experience?

  1. Shimmer

    kiwi / 553 posts

    @highwire: DH said this: "As long as all of you make it out alive, I don't care how you do it." It was his fear that I would die during delivery, for some reason. It probably didn't help that I took out a life insurance policy on myself prior to birth!

    Neither one of us was keen on a home birth, especially since I had twins! But even if it was a single baby, I wasn't comfortable doing that for my first birth experience. Maybe next time!

    @Oceanis723: I agree, the husbands should have a say in where it happens, but not the epidural! DH wouldn't have survived to see another day if he had told me that I couldn't/shouldn't have an epidural! (But he knows better lol)

  2. daniellemybelle

    cantaloupe / 6669 posts

    Interesting to see that husbands would rather their wife NOT have an epidural! What is their reasoning?

    DH wants a hospital delivery for the safety, and probably because it's what familiar, honestly. He's a status quo kind of guy. He also knows I have a low pain tolerance / am whiny so he has said he thinks I should get an epidural, but if I want to try it unmedicated, he'll do whatever he can to support me.

  3. Kemma

    grapefruit / 4291 posts

    While I was (and still am) very much pro-unmedicated and natural birthing, DH didn't really have much of an opinion until we started attending our antenatal classes.

    After one particular session in which we'd discussed epidurals and the various forms of pain relief, he says to me on the way home "I don't think you should get one of those epidural thingees" to which I said "I'm hoping to avoid one and that's why we went with a midwife who specialises in active and home birth" and then he says (wait for it...)

    "I don't understand why they don't just give you a local anaesthetic for a c-section". I'm not sure he really understood the logistic or magnitude of a c-section...

    As it stands I don't think he's thought too much more about the labour / delivery experience but I'm sure he'll be supportive of whatever I / we choose to do.

    (I should also mention that although I'm definitely aiming for an intervention / medication free birth, if the time comes that I need some pain relief or an epidural then I have no shame in saying bring on the drugs!)

  4. anonysquire

    cantaloupe / 6923 posts

    @Foodnerd81: Oh they never were going to be there during the birth or anything. They said they wouldn't visit me cause they know I will be grumpy from all the pain. I was like whatever. If no one visits us at the hospital I really wouldn't care lol.


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