I had DS with my Ex. He spends the majority of his time with me, but does see Ex on a regular basis. Ex and I have no relationship, despite my efforts. As DS gets older, I am seeing issues arise that I don't know how to handle, and he is only 3 1/2 right now!

Sometimes when I pick DS up from Ex's house, DS is horribly rude. I have actually broke down and cried because he is not the kid that I sent there. He will say mean things too. His big one lately is that he doesn't like me, only his dad, and his dad tells him that is ok. He also will tell me that he is going to punch me in the belly. Or he wont talk to us. He does this horrid screaming noise, and will tell us to leave him alone.

I don't know what to do. I can't talk to Ex because he would deny it, and isn't the type of person to talk to anyways. (I think he has some issues. He once told me that he felt like everybody in the world was out to get him, but that is a whole different topic!)

Sometimes I feel like its me though. Every time his dad is going to come get him and I try to get excited for him. And when I pick him up I always ask how it was and what he did, show interest in his life even when he is not around. I try to talk to his dad too, and will always say hi and bye, and happy holiday for whatever holiday is near. But I also feel like I am the only one putting forth the effort, that Ex doesn't/wouldn't if I didn't first, and that gets frustrating.

How do you handle split parenting? Or, if you aren't in a split parenting relationship, how would you go about handling these types of situations?

*Sorry this is so long!*