persimmon / 1339 posts
Well this week hasn't been great - my son was really sick, then I was really sick..i only managed a workout on Monday, and none since. I've been trying really hard to stick to 1200 calories a days since I'm not burning much, and mostly I've been good - impromptu girls night last night (and first time I've been out of the house in days) meant a bit of a backslide but not too bad.
Scared of weighing in Wednesday!! As of last week, 5 1/2 weeks in, I'm down just under 15lbs.
watermelon / 14467 posts
I'm still trucking along. I had a bad week last week, but I was on my period, bloated, and eating everything in sight. I feel a lot better after getting back on track. I noticed that when my eating suffered I felt awful. I'm up 4 pounds but I'm not worrying because my measurements are coming down.
blogger / grapefruit / 4836 posts
Does anyone else have trouble with exercise when you aren't getting enough sleep? Lo1 is getting molars and isn't sleeping well and I'm still up at least once a night with lo2. Exercise feels jmpossible. I just want to wear my pj's and eat cookies.
blogger / pomelo / 5400 posts
@Mrs. Lion: absolutely. and it sucks because that's when it's most beneficial, because I still get the much-needed energy boost if I'm able to actually motivate myself.
Just remember that something as simple as a walk can make you feel tons better when you're tired … hang in there. It's hard when they're so little.
cantaloupe / 6687 posts
@Mrs. Lion: It's soooo hard to work out if you're not sleeping well! I can't really sleep when DH travels for work - I end up just reading in bed forever and can't fall asleep and I'm up til 2am and then get up with LO and the cycle repeats until he gets home. This is why I absolutely cannot stand morning workouts - I'm just way too tired.
cantaloupe / 6687 posts
So I've totally slacked the last two weeks! I haven't weighed myself bc I'm dreading the extra pounds I gained. Basically I indulged for my friend's wedding bc I reached my goal of fitting into my dress. And kept indulging bc we had so many events and birthdays... And I haven't been working out or tracking on MFP. I know I still want to keep working out and I still want to get to my first goal weight - I was 5.5lbs away but I know I've added at least 3-5 lbs to that in the last 2 weeks.
Who's still keeping up with their fitness goals??? Should we start a summer thread? Maybe a summer outfit challenge? I need some motivation!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@sandy: why does it come back on so easily but yet so hard to get it off? I would be good with a summer one. A new outfit is motivation. I was running the other night and wanted to stop but I kept saying bikini bikini in my head and it helped.
I am still 11lbs away from my goal. I am SO over it. I am sick of having to think about food all the time and what I can and can't eat. But I am close, so I am going to stick with it. Although I wasn't good this weekend. A package of M&M's was opened for LO for potty training, she didn't want any, so I keep eating them. I need to hide them. Out of sight, out of mind.
blogger / grapefruit / 4836 posts
@Smurfette: I baked cookies for a cookout I hosted last night and a playdate I hosted this am and I want to eat them alllllll. I am going to have to throw them away. Or send them to work with DH.
@sandy: when do you work out instead? Do you work out when you are tired anyway?
@Mrs. Yoyo: That's a good point about going for a walk. I remember (back in the distant past before I got pregnant and all my life went crazy) I would go for like 2-3 walks a day and I wasn't sleeping then either...I know I will probably feel better but it is just so hard to get out the door
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
Going strong over here! I'm a week into my whole30 and it's going great. Not really any temptations to "cheat" and I genuinely enjoy the food so that helps a lot! Technically one of the whole30 rules is no weigh ins because they want you to focus on overall health and how you feel- but since this isn't my first whole30 I'm breaking that rule, also because I'm working out so much I want to keep track.
So I did my weigh in a week into my whole30, and I'm down 2.6 lbs in a week! So far I'm down 7.6 lbs since March, and 4.6 since school ended mid-May
cantaloupe / 6687 posts
@Mrs. Lion: I almost always worked out after LO went to bed for the night. And I started drinking coffee again. I basically only allowed myself to watch tv at the end of the day if I was working out.
cantaloupe / 6687 posts
@Smurfette: seriously!!! It is so discouraging when the weight comes back so easily. It definitely helps having a goal in mind to work towards. I need to chant "skinny jeans, skinny jeans"
cantaloupe / 6687 posts
I'll see if some of the other girls check in with before and after photos. Then we'll start a summer fitness thread!
coconut / 8079 posts
Still going over here. The past two weeks have been a little crazy, but I still managed to get to the gym 3 days per week. I haven't lost any, but I have maintained my weight so that's a plus. Getting ready to leave for vacation and planning to rent a bike and get plenty of biking and walking so that I can allow myself a few indulgences!!
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
Haha I won't be posting any photos yet! Hopefully by the end of the summer I'll have some more noticeable progress
blogger / grapefruit / 4836 posts
Between the bedtime insomnia and the 3 month old being up twice last night, I got like 5 hours of sleep last night :(... but Im out solo for a walk before 6am. It feels glorious.
blogger / pomelo / 5400 posts
@Mrs. Lion: good for you!
I probably won't be seeing any progress this week. Had a few food-heavy events that I cheated a bit with. And DH and I are doing a belated anniversary dinner tonight. But I will be getting my butt to the gym today for class and my last training session!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Mrs. Lion: Thumbs up!
@Mrs. Yoyo: Happy Anniversary!
persimmon / 1339 posts
Another bad week for me - still getting over an awful flu, and a long weekend filled with food-related events. Have got back on the morning workouts the past two days. Weigh in this morning and I was still 300g down from last week (1/2lb or so), can't believe I didn't still reasonably happy. My bestie is coming to visit this weekend, and she's lost over 100lbs in the past 2 years - always great to see her for the motivation, and the fact that our hang outs no longer focus around how much cheese we can fit on a tray of nachos!! Can't wait. Hope all you ladies are doing well!
blogger / grapefruit / 4836 posts
@ScarletBegonia: Wow that is amazing! I want to know her secrets Have fun!!
persimmon / 1339 posts
I wish she had a secret! She did it the old fashioned way which I'm trying to follow too - small portion sizes, started running, cut down on alcohol. It was slow and steady for her but she's smaller than she's ever been - and I've known her since she was 14! She's maintaining now which is much harder, but she's stayed in a 10 lb window for about 6 months now. I'm so proud of her, she's the best inspiration!
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
@ScarletBegonia: I've wondered if maintaining is harder or more difficult- I've heard both! If you're like her and been working at it for years, you get into the habit of healthy eating and exercise- which makes it easier to maintain. And when you are healthy on both accounts, there comes a point where you couldn't really lose more weight, right? I'm not really sure about how that all works!
persimmon / 1339 posts
@Mrs. Pen: Yeah its an interesting thing to talk to her about - she follows a lot of people on instagram and Facebook that have lost dramatic amounts of weight and A LOT of them regain, at least partially, so she is quite vigilant about it. I think the issue is, you get to your goal weight, and are happy about that, so the cheat meals increase, you get a bit lazier, and very slowly (almost imperceptibly) get into old habits. She has come to the realisation that she can never live the way she used to live, and while that seems really obvious, I guess its a hard thing to come to terms with! Anyway - she's out on a run with my husband now and had grilled fish for dinner last night so obviously she's sticking to the plan pretty well!
On another note, I was getting some clothes out of the closet this morning and my husband said "you look so great right now, I'm so so proud of you"...he's not usually big with the compliments is ambivalent about me trying to lose weight, so it was so lovely to hear that from him
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
@ScarletBegonia: yeah that's definitely true - about how you can never go back to old habits and eating patterns even when you're lean/fit. I think we do tend to think once we get there, it's easier to cheat for some reason. I find myself thinking that too - "once I reach this goal - I can indulge!" but I can't!! Even following healthy eating 80/20 wasn't working well for my weight loss goals - I have to be all in 100%.
that's so sweet your husband said that
admin / watermelon / 14210 posts
gained 2.5 pounds since the last time i weighed myself because i have been on... what's the opposite of a diet?
trying to get back on it today.
how is everyone else doing?
persimmon / 1339 posts
Weigh in day here, down another pound or so this week, 16 pounds total in the past 7 weeks.
I can't seem to shake this cough i have (remnant of a cold/flu I had a couple weeks ago) so working out has taken a major hit, as whenever I start breathing heavy I have a coughing fit. I went to the doctor this morning and my chest is clear, he just said to hold off on outside exercise or strenuous breathing til the coughing subsides. I think the weekday eating is why I'm still losing (albeit pretty slowly) - my weekends have not been great! My BMI stands at 26 now - pretty excited to get back into the non-overweight range, its close I can feel it!
Hope everyone is doing well!
apricot / 428 posts
when did you ladies start exercising postpartum? i'm at two weeks and am feeling good but don't want to rush/stress my body.
watermelon / 14467 posts
@rosegold: I did short walks at 5 days PP, but I quickly learned that my body would rebel if I overdid it and it wasn't worth it. I started running again at 6 weeks.
I'm still up 4 pounds. My measurements aren't different, but I feel bloated and icky. I need to get this sweet tooth under control!
blogger / pomelo / 5400 posts
Bumping to see how everyone is doing. The scale has been stuck for me for a few weeks now I haven't been eating as well between trips/birthdays/other special events.
On the bright side, I've stayed pretty active and have added in strength training and jogging, and I think I'm starting to build a bit of muscle.
Still, it's hard not to see the numbers going down! Plateaus suck.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
I am down 25.2 so I am glad that I finally got over the 25 mark. I have 8 more to go and then I will see how I am feeling.
But I am wearing pre-baby jeans again and it feels am-haz-ing!!
watermelon / 14467 posts
Still trucking. Inches have gone down, but I'm still in my size 12 pants because 10's are too tight.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
I started Couch to 5K over again. I got to week 7 and was NO where near being able to run like they said too. I am on week 2. Pushing a 30lbs toddler in a stroller (so what 40+lbs) up hills in the neighborhood kills me. I just think I am not meant to be a runner.
I need to start looking into other things I can do at home since I can't do anything at a gym.
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
How is everyone doing?
Pretty good over here. I'm down 16 lbs since March, though the bulk of it (13 lbs) has been since mid to late May. I was doing great with workouts and haven't really skipped a workout all summer!
Last week (Wednesday) I got really sick and I'm still recovering so I haven't done a workout since Tuesday. Unfortunately 4 lbs were lost due to the illness which means it was likely not just fat loss, and I may put the weight back on or have a stall when I start eating real food again (been on liquids since Wednesday). I can myself slowly improving but I still have a ways to go- I'm pretty wiped.
We did go on vacation last week and we were really active- biking and walking everything, and hiking at some state parks. We did a 1000 calorie hiking burn!
coconut / 8079 posts
@Mrs. Pen: That's awesome progress! And so great you were able to be so active on vacation.
I have only been weighing myself every few weeks, but weight is coming off slowly! just walking and going to the gym as many days as I can and eating well.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
I am down 26.2, so 7 more and then I will probably go for another 5. I am going to stick with it till we get on the plane for Mexico. A friend is going to let me borrow her T25 DVDs to see if I like them. I need to start toning up really bad. I did try on my old bikinis and they are fitting way better on my hips. So that made me feel a lot better.
watermelon / 14467 posts
I'm in a plateau, so I started going to a new fitness class at a studio that opened up recently. I really liked it, and my second session is today. I want to go more when T's travel schedule slows down next month. Here's my most recent progress picture.
nectarine / 2242 posts
I'm feeling discouraged. I was so on my game and committed at the beginning of the summer, but its just been so crazy life-wise that I have really dropped the ball and been doing nothing / eating crappy again. I saw photos of myself from this weekend and I think I look more pregnant now than right after I had DS 6 months ago!
I just signed up for a 5k in September so will hopefully start C25k soon, but I am just SO TIRED!
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