cantaloupe / 6687 posts
@Peasinapod: music? Snack cup? Favorite lovie or new toy? Hope she starts to like it!
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
So far I've made it to the gym every day this week and eaten really healthy - feels good to get back into a routine.
So because more than anything I don't want to lose motivation this time around, I decided to create an IG account just for fitness/healthy eating. If you want to follow me I'd love it! It's mostly for accountability, knowing I'll be posting what I eat/recipes, and gym selfies (no shame lol!).. I think it will be another thing to help me stay on track! reply/wall me for the username And I want to follow all you ladies on your journey too!
coconut / 8079 posts
I made it to the gym this afternoon--LO has had lots of check ups this week!--so I finally got to do my weights routine. I also walked 2.5 miles this am with the dog and LO in the stroller. Our park has plenty of hills so it's a decent workout! Salad and grilled chicken for lunch and trying out veggies on our grill tonight with a new grill basket. I haven't been weighing myself regularly otherwise I get obsessed with numbers but LO's EI coordinator commented today that she can tell I have lost weight which made me so excited! We only see her once a month so I'm glad there's some noticeable change!
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
@jhd: that's awesome!!! I loove that validation! Good for you
cantaloupe / 6687 posts
@Mrs. Pen: good idea! I'll look at creating a new profile on IG too - let's see if I can figure out how to use multiple profiles. If you send me your username I'll follow you!
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
@sandy: you just have to log out of your current account, and sign up with a new one It's super easy! so now I have the personal account for pics of J and stuff - and the fitness one!
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
@jhd: amazing accomplishment!!! Congrats
First the first time in 2 months I finally have a weight loss to report. My weigh-in from Monday to today was a two pound loss! Sooo happy! I had my second session with my trainer today and I think she is really helping me a lot!
pomegranate / 3729 posts
@Mrs. Pen: @sandy: I am been thinking of starting a gym IG but can't pull the trigger! Lol. Send me your username/follow me on IG!
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
@bpcmarj: I just requested to follow you from my fitness account. Do it! It's so fun! I love posting there now.
persimmon / 1339 posts
Hey ladies! I'm down 13lbs in the last 4 weeks or so - so happy!! I've been sticking to my workouts well (missed one in 4 weeks) and have pretty much stuck to one cheat day a week - today is my birthday so I had a massive serving of french toast and blueberry syrup on my breakfast date with my husband I'm feeling so good. If anyone is struggling for motivation big time as I was 4 weeks ago, check out the 12 week body transformation - its an aussie program the woman who invented it is trying to take it international, I think it might be available in the states and canada now. I'm not affiliated with it in any way but its working so well for me!! Hope all you ladies are doing well too!
blogger / pomelo / 5400 posts
@ScarletBegonia: That's awesome progress!
I am still chugging along, but my progress has slowed to about a pound a week. Still, down 27 total since January and feel awesome about that!
I am getting a fitness assessment (gulp) today and will be setting up a few trainer sessions so I can break out of my cardio-only rut. I still enjoy those classes, but I'm looking forward to adding something new and hopefully preventing a bad plateau.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@ScarletBegonia: that's awesome!
@Mrs. Yoyo: a pound a week is still amazing! I would be super happy with that.
I am down 21lbs now, but this weekend wasn't good. Carbs, sugar, and booze. So I am up like 3 lbs, happens every time when I eat too many carbs too fast. Getting back on track today. Supposed to rain again here so I don't know when I am going to run this week:(
blogger / grapefruit / 4836 posts
@Smurfette: it seems you and I both have the same carb/sugar problem. I'm wondering if this is a thing. Do you drink diet soda? I drink way too much of it and I'm wondering if there is a connection.
@Mrs. Yoyo: that is amazing! Slow and steady!
@Mrs. Pen: hurray!
@ScarletBegonia: I might look into this. I am a rule follower and like the structure. I have never done a 12 week plan before. It sounds intense!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Mrs. Lion: I do, 1-2 a day. I don't drink coffee. But I don't think that is it. It is when I eat too many carbs/sugar at once. Since I am avoiding them, when I don't slowly add them in, I gain weight every time. I had sushi, beer, cider, cupcake, macaroni salad, so yeah, went totally overboard.
I wish carbs and me could be BFF's again.
blogger / pomelo / 5400 posts
@Smurfette: @Mrs. Lion: I cut out most sweets except the occasional treat and have been more carb-conscious, but I am definitely still drinking 1-2x diet sodas every day. I know a lot of research says the sweetness makes you crave other sweet stuff and causes insulin spikes … but damn it will be hard to quit one of my true remaining vices.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Mrs. Yoyo: I figure it is my one vice I can keep since it doesn't have calories. Maybe when my diet isn't as strict, I will work on cutting it back.
blogger / grapefruit / 4836 posts
@Mrs. Yoyo: @Smurfette: I totally keep diet soda as my one big vice. But I am drinking a lot more than that...I definitely need to cut back. I tried cutting it out completely and I was STARVING all the time and wanted all.the.sugar. I started drinking it again and stopped needing to snack, and totally eliminates my desire to eat sweets. I am wondering if maybe that's a bad thing and I actually need the calories? According to MFP I am eating 1900-2000 per day and burning 2800 on a day I exercise (and that doesn't account for nursing, which is supposedly another 400-600). So by the numbers I should be dropping weight really quickly. But I'm not. Hmm.
I have probably totally destroyed my metabolism or something ridiculous. But I had this exact same problem when I was breastfeeding before. I had a personal trainer tell me to increase my calories up to 2600 and then slowly decrease it. I did, and I didn't gain any weight, but I didn't lose any when I decreased it either, and I was eating ALL DAY. Im pretty sure we doubled our grocery bill. Then I saw a nutritionist that said that was probably too high and to stick to the 2300-2400 range, but that didn't help either.
I stopped breastfeeding and immediately started losing 1-2 lbs per week, and lost 30 total before I got pregnant again and gained it all back. Sigh.
This shouldn't be so hard. Sorry for the novel haha.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Mrs. Lion: maybe you aren't eating enough. Or you could one of the unfortunate ones that doesn't lose weight till they stop BF. I have a couple friends that it has been that way for them. One for both babies. Sorry! That has to be so frustrating.
blogger / grapefruit / 4836 posts
@Smurfette: I just found this article about carbs. Very intersting. I listen to this guy's podcast, and while I am not a believer that a person has to be paleo for health, he seems pretty credible and well researched. He makes a good point about how if your body needs more carbs, but you eat the wrong ones you gain weight. But if you eat the right ones you feel better and don't gain weight. It may be worth experimenting with. .
Anyway, I just saw on his chart that he lumps people who are pregnant or breastfeeding into the high carbohydrate category. Maybe that's my problem....that when I am breastfeeding I need a lot more carbs? Looks like I have lots of potatoes coming my way haha.
I read somewhere that if you get really bloated from eating carbs it's because your glycogen is depleted and when glycogen gets stored it brings water with it. So when you do finally eat some carbs it restores your glycogen, but also adds lots of water
blogger / pomelo / 5400 posts
@Mrs. Lion: That's interesting. I also wonder if you're not eating enough or if your body just doesn't want to get rid of much until you're done BF. When I am BFing a lot I find that my appetite is huge, which always kept me from being one of those "lose weight with BF" ladies (sigh). We actually just weaned, but DS is 18 months, so I figured I didn't need to account for much since I probably wasn't really making much milk anymore.
nectarine / 2242 posts
Does anyone have tips for what you are doing to lose the extra belly flab? Is it really just cardio that will help? I was chasing my daughter yesterday and felt like I seriously needed a sports bra for my extra belly flab, it felt so gross and made me so sad because I really feel like I will never lose that extra skin/flab!
I started working out at lunch last week, because going to the gym before work was way too easy to skip if I was running late.
blogger / grapefruit / 4836 posts
@HappyBaker: I've always heard strength training helps the most, rather than cardio.
cantaloupe / 6687 posts
@HappyBaker: I gained around 60lbs with my first and lost the weight and the flab was gone as long as I was super skinny. If I gained any extra weight the flab would return
I gained around 40 with my second and losing the weight has been much slower so I haven't lost enough to see if the flab will go away. But I totally get what you mean - jumping up and down is almost painful bc of that extra skin. I have found that wearing yoga pants when working out helps so much bc the stretchy material is so much more supportive than regular pants/shorts
cantaloupe / 6687 posts
So I lost enough to fit into the dress I wanted to wear to my friend's wedding - it was tight but it fit and I was super proud of myself. I indulged over the long weekend during the wedding festivities and it was worth it BUT time to get back to eating healthy and working out again.
blogger / pomelo / 5400 posts
@HappyBaker: I've definitely lost some of the flab with a lot of cardio, but I've lost weight pretty evenly everywhere else, too. It absolutely remains my problem area. Hoping that strength training will start to help a bit.
@sandy: You look beautiful!
blogger / pomelo / 5400 posts
I finally met with a trainer to start a strength program. It wasn't too bad except for the lunges holding weights ... Man I hate lunges! I also did a class so I was at the gym for two hours today. Just waiting for the ouchies to set in...
How is everyone doing?
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
I am down 21.7 but I am stuck again. I just finished day 1 of week 5 of couch to 5k. I do not like running at all but I am sticking with it.
Non scale victories I felt great when I tried on bridesmaid dresses this weekend. I ordered the size that fit now but I told DH I hope to have to pay to get in taken in. And two people told me yesterday how I am slimming down. So that made me feel good!
blogger / pomelo / 5400 posts
@Smurfette: Yay for clothes that fit and people who notice! And good luck with C25K. I did that a long time ago and was able to run a pretty good distance before I let it all slide!
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
@Mrs. Yoyo: that's awesome! I as well have a love/hate relationship with lunges- they burn but yield results quicker than any other leg workout (at least for me!). I still can't get through lunge track in body pump lol!
Going good over here. I started another whole 30 yesterday and it's going well so far. I was only down half a pound last week but I'm trying not to think about it. One of my school friends and I got together and we haven't seen each other in a few weeks and she commented that I looked like I was slimming down- it always feels good!
pomegranate / 3729 posts
@HappyBaker: weight training/cardio combo really helped me to lose my belly. When you lift heavy weights it engages your core and helps burn more fat! I will post a picture later one of my progress
pomegranate / 3729 posts
I haven't been to the gym as much as I would like lately because of life getting in the way. It is time to kick it into high gear though since I have a bathing suit that I bought that I need to be able to wear (it is not far away and I could wear the top with a different bottom should I need to!). I am seeing a big difference from last summer though. Everything is too big and the other day I wore a dress I bought in high school and hung onto for 12 years because I loved it and was determined that it would fit me enough to wear it again someday. It looks better on me now than it did in high school (it must have been a sack then!!). I have three more weeks of school until I am off work for the summer. I travel through most of July, but I intend on keeping my activity level up and really really pushing myself in August. I turn 30 at the end of August and I am completely determined to look the best that I ever have by my birthday.
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