So we were pretty stupid and just realized yesterday that the car seat we got does not fit comfortably in my car. After trying out a ton of car seats we finally found one that fits comfortably, but it doesn't work with our stroller system, the britax b-ready.

So our options are to just live without a travel system, or buy a new (and more expensive) stroller. So I'm wondering, for people who drive everywhere, how necessary is a travel system?

I can only come up with a couple occasions where it would come in handy - basically just shopping at somewhere like target or buy buy baby. Is there something I'm missing? Is it better to just get the bassinet attachment and transfer him, or take him out and wear him?

If it makes a difference he'll be a winter baby, and we won't be taking walks outside.

On a related topic, anyone want to buy a brand new b-ready with 2nd seat?...