Has anyone ever experienced their LO suddenly hating the crib?

LO has been going down awake for 6+ months. He never makes a fuss (can lay there 45+ minutes awake just playing with his paci) and is a champ self soother. As of Friday night, he suddenly is unable to do this. We go through the exact same nighttime routine and then the second I lay him in the crib he stands up in his crib and starts wailing. Last night we decided to try to re-sleep train him a little and he cried off and on for 1.5 hours (with us checking on him) until I finally got him down by holding his hand until he dozed off. Even when we first sleep trained him he never cried that long. What gives??? This scenario also occurs in his new found middle of the night wake-up. The only thing that settles him down is being snuggled.

The only different thing is he's cutting his top two teeth. I really try not to blame things on teeth (as I've done it before and they've never showed up), but this time I can actually feel them. Could teeth really be the culprit for this total personality change?

Help, Bees! I'm desperate! ... and so freaking tired.

He's 11.5 months.

ETA: We've tried co-sleeping. It works, but it's not a long-term solution for our family.