So I just started Crinone (progesterone suppositories) a few days ago for my TWW following IUI. This is the first time I've used it.

No side effects so far except... well... ok, this is SO GROSS so if you have a sensitive stomach quit reading...

It leaves, like, all this disgusting "progesterone cheese" up in my vag that seems to solidify They did NOT tell me about this at the RE's office! It is so disgusting.

So far I've tried to sort of clean it out with a finger (at night, I use it in the AM) but I feel like there's probably a lot more in there I'm not getting to. Seems like it's just going to get nastier the longer I use it.

Does anyone have a, uhmmm, strategy for dealing with this? Is it better just to let it sit in there? I don't know.

Sorry for any who read this who got grossed out!!