Hellobee Boards


Surprises during labor

  1. anniefannie

    grape / 78 posts

    This wasn't a complete surprise since so many people have said how tiring pushing is, but I was quite surprised how exhausting pushing actually is. I was dizzy and weak after and could barely see straight after 90 mins of intensity.

    Also, I expected a small baby but I was shocked as to how small he was. 4lbs 13oz. Totally healthy and strong and full term, but just small. It shocked us both when we saw him though.

  2. Ree723

    grapefruit / 4819 posts

    I had no idea how hard it was to push! I had a brilliantly working epi so I felt nothing and hence, had no idea how I was pushing. I was super in shape but the pushing was far harder than any workout I'd ever done!

    I was also surprised I wanted a mirror to see what was going on. Prior to labour I would have said not a chance in hell do I want to see what's going on down there, but when my midwife suggested it to help with the pushing, I was all about it and LOVED it! That and the epidural were my only requests for LO2....

    I also expected to feel the stitches, despite the epidural, and the ring of fire, but felt neither of those either time. I also never felt an urge to push, which everyone said I would feel despite the epi.

  3. fancyfunction

    grapefruit / 4085 posts

    I was surprised that although I had an epidural, I felt all the pain of pushing. I pushed for an hr but in hindsight it seemed like 10 min. I was surprised by the shaking too, which started pretty much once I got to triage. I was also surprised that I entered the hospital at 2-3 cm and by the time I was ready for an epi 2 hr later, I was a 9!

  4. mrsrain

    nectarine / 2115 posts

    @Astro Bee: I will definitely be heading in way sooner this time!

  5. Ms. RV

    pear / 1930 posts

    I had no clue my contractions could be three minutes apart while only being 1cm.

    Also surprised that the epidural only took away the pain of contractions, pushing, and tearing and that it didn't touch the pain of a pinched nerve in my hip.

  6. wrkbrk

    pomelo / 5084 posts

    @DesertDreams88: Whoa! You found out during labor you couldn't have an epi?!!?! I'm sorry mama! Yikes!!

  7. wrkbrk

    pomelo / 5084 posts

    I was VERY surprised when my water broke in the middle of a terrible contraction, pre epi, in the hospital. I kind of forgot that would happen haha. It scared the bejesus out of me and was sudden and so hot! And I didn't realize the water keeps coming out with every contraction. No one had ever mentioned that detail to me!!

  8. MrsScallop

    persimmon / 1328 posts

    When checking how dilated I was the Dr said "I think I just put my finger in his mouth...." I just thought that sounded funny and didn't think much of it until she suggested trying to get him to move a bit. I just thought that meant he was face up, which I had heard is hard, but while pushing I found out that being able to feel his face during labor is a bad thing because that means he would likely come out face (nose?) first. It was apparently a terrifying thing to see for my husband (he describes it like a scene from Alien) and hurt like crazy for me to push him out!

  9. fussygal

    pomegranate / 3580 posts

    I was surprised at how crazy time warped. From the second I felt the first contraction at home time ZOOMED by. It seemed to go even faster once we got to the hospital.

    How big she was. I never measured ahead and while I wasn't expecting a small baby, I wasn't expecting her to be 10.5 lbs!

    My water didn't break until right before transition and I had kind of forgotten that it hadn't yet, so I was pretty surprised when it did.

    I was also surprised at how quickly my transition was. I was at a 7.5-8 and remember feeling disappointed that I was going to have to labor longer, but then suddenly they had me pushing. Also, that I only pushed for 40 minutes!


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