Am I going to have to swaddle my baby until she’s a teenager? I asked this question today.
All kidding aside - would love to hear others experiences to know what I may be seeing. DD is a doll. She is not a screamer (exception of reaction to her shots), doesn’t fuss that much, eats well and has been sleeping well - no swaddle necessary from weeks 3-9. We feel fortunate ate to have this sweet and mellow girl.
But .... since sometime last week - she will not go to sleep as easily and if she falls asleep by herself (which she did and soothed herself before last week), she ends up jerking her little arms and waking herself up and then fusses. So I’ve been having swaddle her to keep those arms in close so she sleeps. But as soon she works an arm out (which she does at some point whether it is 10minutes or four hours) she wakes up and fusses.
Any idea what is causing the change? I assume she is more aware of her arms and movement and that’s part of it. Shes a strong little gal and doing well with movement even though she was born 4 weeks early.
Any idea when she might settle back into better sleep without swaddling? Ie gets co trol over her arms or stops moving them as much during sleep?