LO will be 5 months old in a few days. At the end of the month we have friends in town (orlando- so it's hot) who invited us to go to the pool at their resort with LO.

A few questions from any moms who have taken their younger babies to the pool....

1- Swim Diaper. I bought a fisher price one at BRU and figured it would have instructions... nope. And of course I can't find it online AT ALL. Is it in place of a regular diaper? A diaper COVER? HOW DOES THAT WORK?

2- Sunscreen. I thinK i remember that babies under 6 months shouldn't have any on them? But I have a little sample packet of infant sunscreen and it doesn't say anything about it. I'm unsure what to do here.

3- Shaded floaty. I've seen a few of the floaty-rafts that babies can sit in with a shade over it. The one I was looking at at BRU said 9-24 months on it. LO is really big for her age (the checkout lady asked if she was 7 months) but I don't think that's a very good idea. I later saw one that was 6+ months but I didn't like the style as much. Anyone have any luck? I have a hat and sunglasses for her, but want to shade her as much as possible.

Any other tips for the pool with a little one?