I've come to Hellobee before with work issues and here I am again! Sorry it's long...just sorting my thoughts!

I am starting my third year teaching at a small liberal arts school. When I first started teaching, they asked me to run a summer session. I wanted to secure my position for the next year so was happy to do it even though it was super demanding and the schedule was terrible - normal term I'm on campus 2 - 3 days/week and during the summer it's 5 days/week. Now that I'm more established in my position I feel like I have more options but still taught again last summer because there was a demand for the class. Now, emails are starting about planning for 2018 summer courses.

Here is my issue: Our DD will be 3 in June and we are starting to try for #2. I have this dreamy picture in my head of us being by the pool, parks, beach trips and just a nice summer at home together before a possible fall/winter baby. B U T since the summer teaching schedule is so demanding the pay is amazing - it's basically a 20% bonus of my annual salary. Our DD's daycare doesn't have a summer program so past summers we have done a mix of babysitters and grandparent care (which means shipping DD out of town for the majority of the week). I would try to just have her home more this summer to soak up some fun when I'm not at work.

DH is open to me not working but we did just start a renovation project to the extra money would be nice but not necessary.

Since summer school is a separate contract, I am not obligated to teach and my supervisor is supportive either way.

Every summer I say I'm never teaching summer again but now here I am!

I know I won't regret the extra time at home but it's so hard to say no to work too!