Talk to me about teething and sleep?

K's nighttime sleep has always been pretty good. But the past 4 nights have been crazy! It's like we have a newborn all over again! At first, we thought it was from her Flu shot and her first (mild) fever. Well, the fever is gone but the wake ups every 30-40 min. have gotten worse! We've given Motrin for teething every night, except tonight. I'm still holding out...

I can see the white buds underneath. But she is literally waking up less than an hour apart crying so hard. She falls back asleep almost immediately once I hold her. And it has to be me - she won't fall back asleep for DH. Until I finally give in out of exhaustion and bring her to our bed so she can sleep next to me. She will still cry at least once an hour, but goes back to sleep pretty easily.

Is this really from teething? Is this normal? Even with Tylenol/Motrin? I am giving her Camilia Boiron too. Is there such a thing as a 7 month sleep regression? The wake-ups are becoming more frequent.

I'm worried I'm fostering bad habits and she'll expect to be held to sleep or sleep with us. Between this and the naps, I feel like we're taking leaps backwards in the sleep department.