Hello from a long-time lurker

My daughter is almost 5 months old, and we have hit a rough patch with her sleep. We just transitioned her out of her Rock 'n' Play into a bassinet courtesy of the Magic Sleepsuit. Overall, she is not a fan of being flat on her back, but that's probably another post...

This week, though, things have taken quite the turn... we went from getting an 8 hour stretch, followed by another 3 hours to constant restless, screaming, shrieking, back-arching nights. We get maybe 30-60 minutes per stretch of sleep.

She has had a low-grade fever the past few days, along with congestion and coughing. No obvious signs of teething, though, so I'm inclined to think that she has a cold. She has gone from being a voracious eater to pulling away and screaming every minute or two (nothing has changed about the way that we feed her. She is EBF with pumped bottles during the day)... I just don't know how to help her at this point. I hate seeing her so miserable and mama and daddy need some sleep!

Thoughts? Tips? Tricks?