How long did it last? And if your LO hit it hard, did you eventually have to change sleep habits to see improvements, or did things improve on their own?

Background: My LO has never been a great sleeper (an amazing night for us would be 2-3 night wakings), but at least it was doable - he'd wake up and settle back down relatively quickly. However, things have gotten bad the past few days with many, many wakings and longer wakings. He's not sick or fussy at all when he wakes up - and has picked up a ton of new skills lately - so I think it may be related to that. He usually goes down around 7:30 and sleeps in the crib in our room (not well - it is hard to get him to settle there and he rarely sleeps for more than an hour at a time in it) until I come to bed, when we cosleep. My husband does not want him to cry/fuss, so that eliminates putting him down sleepy but awake, which I'd like to try. He either falls asleep being bounced by my husband (earlier in the evening) or curled up next to me (has to have his head resting against my chest). I do the wakings after 10pm and am sooo tired. Willing to tell my husband he needs to start doing some of them if it seems like we need better sleep habits and that would make him more likely to be on board.