I'm thinking about switching my LO to a daycare close to my job, as opposed to close to home. I toured the daycare yesterday and a couple of things the teacher said kind of threw me for a loop. 1) she mentioned all kids in the 1< room don't use bottles anymore 2)the daycare provides two snacks and lunch and lists "milk" with every meal, but I guess she means out of sippies/straw cups 3) she said they are "all" walking.

I asked what the plan will be if my LO isn't walking yet (she'll start in September and will be 13.5 months). She's 11 months now and not really close to walking at all. The teacher seemed confused and said if I wanted, I could put her in the infant room then. But it seemed like I was the only person ever to ask that question. I know not ALL kids are walking by 12 months, so it seemed weird to me.

I am also stressing about the "no bottle" situation. Right now, my LO will only drink maybe .5-1 oz from a sippy on a good day, and hasn't figured out straw cups at all. She still drink 4-5 bottles a day right now, 2 at daycare.

Will my LO really be ready for this place by September? Is it strange that the teacher was acting like ALL babies are off bottles and walking at exactly 1 year when they move to the toddler room?

The teacher was awfully young and normally teaches the 4 year old, so maybe she is just out of the loop on the toddlers....should I follow up with another email about these questions?