My son is about 27 mos and his behavior lately has been TERRIBLE !!
Despite having a billion words and understanding + speaking full sentences he is screaming probably every four minutes about something (trains fall off the table, we say no TV, the dog looks at him wrong, etc etc etc. )
He's also slapping me and scratching or biting for fun (like will be giving a hug and then suddenly get too rough for no reason) and if he's mad about something (diaper change, etc).
We've tried negative (no hitting, no screaming) and positive (gentle hands, quiet voices) and time out and none of it works. If we say we are putting him in timeout he says okay! and runs to his bed.
Also getting out of the toddler bed approx 15 times each per start of nap and bedtime.
I feel like a huge failure because I don't really have any consequences for this. Our time outs aren't working and talking to him isn't working and what else can I take away or do? Aghhhhhhh and did I mention #2 is arriving in 5 weeks? Help!!!!
Edited to add its the worst at home and with me and my husband. He's much better and doesn't usually melt down in public or with our nanny.