Our LO was born at 35w3d and has been in NICU for 6 days. There was a shower planned weeks in advance by my husband's coworkers and he went to it. I stayed with LO in the NICU.

It was quite a huge shower, several different departments were there, it was obviously well planned and they put a lot of time and effort into it.

I feel horrible because I haven't written thank you notes yet. Everyone was extremely generous and thoughtful and I truly appreciate it but right now, I'm spending ~14 hours a day with LO in the NICU, I just come home to shower and take 2 catnaps in between pumping sessions.

Would it be acceptable/understandable to send them a few weeks late? Or... Not at all? I'm usually right on top of this but being with LO is way more important. DH sent a heartfelt email thanking everyone.