Okay ladies. I just found this site and it may be a key to my sanity. I've loved the posts I've looked at in the last 24 hours so I joined. I am a logical and rational woman, until we started to try to conceive that is. Two months in and I feel like I might be losing my mind. Is this normal??? I had a CM last month which was crushing. Now this month I feel different ... like I know I'm pregnant. I'm getting a range of symptoms but that seems to be confirming what I feel in my heart. Is that crazy? Seems like it should be. But I can't shake the feeling as I wait that I am. My symptoms include serious exhaustion - particularly noticeable when I work out and I'm pretty physically fit. Thirst and excess saliva. One time of spotting that I never have between ovulation and period, intermittent cramps and a pulling sensation on one side today and a feeling of wetness this morning that made me feel like AF is coming even though I'm as regular as a clock and it never comes 7 days early. And perhaps worst of all, the worst itchy boobs ever last night. My DH teased me that I was about to scratch them off. So ... is there anyone else that has had this experience so I can confirm my sanity????