Gosh, it was only 4 weeks ago I was freaking out that my baby wasn't crawling!! She learned to crawl and just days later was pulling up..... and promptly falling down!!

For the last week or so, she has gotten really good at pulling up but is terrible at remembering to hold on - so she has has so many accidents. In the last two days alone, she has headbutted her activity table twice (and has huge bruises to prove it), caught her chin, bitten through her lip falling down, given herself a nosebleed falling face first onto the bed frame (she pulled up on the side of the bed) and bumped her head so many times I can't count. Yet, she still keeps doing it. Everywhere. Against everything. You can't turn your back for even a few seconds - because she's up on her feet in the blink of an eye (and then falling down).

How can I keep her safe without hovering too much and hampering her confidence. I wish I could put her in a helmet!!! Please tell me this stage is short lived? I LOVED it when she was crawling. I'm not ready for my baby to walk!!!!!