So I just ran to the grocery store and on the way home I saw something sort of shocking. I was driving behind a car and there were two little boys (guessing around 1.5 and 3 or 4) STANDING UP in the back seat. At first I thought maybe they were just rear facing and sitting up high, but then they leaned forward and were hanging over the back ledge part behind the seats playing with toys in the sunlight from the back window. Then I could see one of the adults in the front turn around and yell at them (or say something) and they turned around and sat down. Then about 30 seconds later the one stood up and was hanging over the front seat to talk to the adults.

So basically these people are just driving down the road with their kids not even buckled in or anything.

I'm not usually super "omg" about other people's parenting choices-- but really? It was sort of shocking.

I got the car make/model and license plate. But there's really nothing I can do here right? I mean there isn't like… a "these people suck" phone line I don't think. And anyways it would be my word against theirs. Just seems like there should be… something? But I don't think so?