So just looking for some solidarity.... in the last 2 days I've felt socially excluded (unintentionally) due to my financial priorities. Basically, family and friends were asking me to join in on the things below and I had to give out a polite excuse for no. So .... I thought it would be a fun thread.
Things I don't buy:
- Children's clothes (We get hand-me-downs from 2-3 families, plus gifts from relatives. Do we love it all? No. Do I have money to spend on short-lived items? No.)
- Lunch (I keep cereal, milk, a bowl, and a spoon at work. No I don't get bored. It's also more efficient.)
- A Disney ticket just for my husband to carry around our 18-month old daughter for a one-day trip that she's not going to enjoy (she hates rides).
- A bunch of items for my classroom to make it look Pinteresty
- Paper towels
- This is a *sometimes* but we also don't usually buy furniture.... 70% of our house is 2nd-hand furniture, wedding gifts from 2010, or Ikea. This recently came up because our kid carved some lines into our table AND drew with pen all over the microfiber couch. Luckily I got the couch clean with Shout & 3 magic erasers.