I am at home with Lil Miss Wagon for three days this week. My mom went home so Wagon Sr. was home the first two days, and I'm home for the rest of the week. Today is day 2, and it's been going really well today. Definitely directly tied to LMW's sleep because yesterday she took four short naps (two of them being only 30 min) and today she's in the middle of her second 3+ hour nap. Yesterday by bedtime I was seriously ready to kill someone, and LMW was NOT going down. Luckily Wagon Sr. finished putting Wagon Jr. to bed and took over, and by the time LMW was down several hours later, I was feeling fine again.

Today I have been able to smile and enjoy being at home with my baby girl Strangely enough, however, I had one of those bathroom-induced loud voices in my head panic attacks (I know there's at least two of you out there that get them too, @nskillet and @ms. lipgloss I think??). So strange that I had it today and not yesterday. SO annoying. As always, it went away with time and I've been ok since.

How are you feeling??