Hellobee Boards


TMI - My cat is sick :(

  1. .twist.

    pineapple / 12802 posts

    @Rescuemom10: He's doing better, I think. He spent all of Saturday at the vet under observation. They did a blood draw and he was being a jerk so they had to sedate him. However, he's a jerk because he gets so scared while he's there and I wasn't even there to cuddle him. They ended up sending him home saturday night because he was so stressed out that he wasn't peeing at all for them and keeping him over night wouldn't get the results they desired. I brought him home and he went pee twice! yay! without crying too! I was so proud of him (even though it's not really in his control if he's blocked haha). If I would have had to bring him back to the vet sunday it would have cost me between $1,500 & $2,000 for all the catheter work and all the other stuff to clear up the blockage.

    It was hard seeing him all messed up from the sedative. My hormones totally got the best of me and I bawled when he was trying to come out of his carrier. Which is so unlike me, I'm not a crier!

  2. Alivoo01

    wonderful olive / 19353 posts

    @.twist.: Glad to hear he's doing better, and healing at home is always the best. There's no place like home - ever!


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