My 19 month old throws a full on fit every time we go to put her in the seat- I honestly worry somekne will call cops on us one day, thinking we're kidnapping her. Sometimes we can distract her long enough to buckle her in but it takes 2 and it's rare without a fight. Once in the seat, she lasts at best 10-15 minutes (with distraction) before crying and whining again. I'm at wits end. The only effective tool is iPad videos, which we use sparingly. One of us is still sitting in back because she gets so hysterical. Do I just give up and put the iPad up permanently or are there other tips that work? She's in a Britax Boulevard, rear facing (and has hated the car seat/carrier as a baby too but this is the worst I've ever seen her freak out), and it's non stop, every day, not just occasionally.