3 months ago I posted about how my son, now 18m, has decay on his 4 front teeth. I night weaned him (mostly) and got serious about brushing his teeth, plus limiting carby snacks for the most part. The dentist told us that we had to just try to stop the decay best we can since our only option at his age was general anesthesia. She said something along the lines of trying to postpone until we could do it with just a mild sedative.
Well, today was our followup and the four front teeth aren't necessarily worse from what they can tell. He doesnt seem to have any pain and I brush his teeth thoroughly at least 3 times per day. But, he has another tiny cavity visible on one of his molars
Now she is advising to repair/cap the front four and do a standard filling on the molar. All under general anesthesia. I am really nervous, even though my kid has no health problems and is incredibly healthy. Has anyone done dental work on the toddler under general? Should I get a second opinion? I am wondering if the molar is the reason she is suggesting to get aggressive with treatment?