My 2.5 year old is outta control. Over the past 6 months she went from going to bed at 8-8:30 to now at 10-10:15! She sleeps fine once asleep but getting asleep takes forever. I had just accepted that 9:30 was her new normal (which started in September) and now it's 10 and later. I have to wake her every morning for school so she's clearly not getting enough sleep but nothing seems to work to get her to sleep earlier. She still naps at school and seems to need it (falls asleep easily, etc) and if she skips a nap on weekends w maybe get her to sleep an hour earlier. This can't be normal right? I'm losing my mind because I'm not a night person and can barely stay up to 10 myself so my patience is non existent and that's not helping anything either. We need to move her to a toddler bed soon but if she won't sleep in the crib, how is she ever going to stay in a bed?