LO has not been the type to play quietly in her room alone. She likes to be with us in the living room or wherever we happen to be in the house. She'll play independently sometimes, but always in eyesight of one of us, preferably.

Lately, she's started getting out of bed and coloring in the night, and we have no idea because she's just in her room playing quietly. She woke up this morning covered in marker. I don't really care about her coloring, but I don't want her to be tired the next day. We quit using the video monitor a long time ago, but maybe we need to break it out again to monitor her and make she is getting adequate rest. And maybe we should put the art supplies away so she can't access them at night? She also "reads", and I don't want to like...you know...hide her books! Reading is good!

She started refusing to nap at her usual nap time on the weekends (she's in daycare during the week), and then falling asleep at like 5 PM on our couch. I wonder if that late nap is contributing to the overnight art projects. Should we not let her nap on the couch anymore? She's obviously tired! Moving up bedtime never works, she always has some inner sense that it isn't her usual bed time yet (8 PM).

Does anyone else have this issue? What did you do?