DS is a pretty good kid, he has great manners and is very loving towards others. BUT he is also great at throwing tantrums and having meltdowns! He is 2 years 7 months and sometimes the littlest things sets him off, and it is always when he doesnt get his own way.

I have noticed that as he has a lot of energy, if he is fed a lot (every 2 hours or so) he is much more reasonable and if I keep him in a routine (albeit a lose one) the tantrums are less and less.

When he does have a melt down because he isn't getting his own way it is MAJOR! He throws things, chucks himself on the ground, etc. I have tried different methods to deal with these, but the same method doesn't always work so it's a bit of a guessing game. After a tantrum he will always pick up his mess and says sorry and want cuddles.

How do you deal with meltdowns? How do you reason with a little person who is being completely unreasonable?

He still is yet to cut his 2 year old molars, they are very swollen and he will tell me if it hurts or not, so I know some days that can contribute as well as the fact that he is 2!

Tell me I'm not alone!