A few weeks ago my 2.5 yr old was sick in the middle of the night and I ended up sleeping in her room with her the rest of the night. From then on she would not go to bed without one of us in the room and was getting out of bed a lot to go potty or ask us for a hug.

A few days later, DH was traveling and she woke up around 4 am and was standing by the gate at the stairs screaming for me and woke the baby up. In a moment of desperation I told LO1 she could sleep in my bed while I got the baby back to sleep (he's in a crib in our room.) She hasn't left our bed since then and insists that I lie down with her every night. How do I get her back in her own bed?

Prior to this, she had been sleeping just fine. We converted her crib to a toddler bed about 3 months ago, but she rarely got out and slept through the night unless she was sick.