My kids (7 and almost 5) have long days out of the house because of school/daycare and aftercare...they get dropped off around 7am and we get home around 5:30/6pm. They are usually fine on the car ride home but as soon as we pull into the driveway they start fighting and whining and driving each other and me insane. When I get home I am trying to keep their little brother (18 months) occupied while also throwing together a super fast dinner.
In the past what has worked is letting them watch one show when we walk in the door, and we would alternate each day who got to pick. But lately I've been having to take away the screen time before we even make it to the living room because they are just being so ridiculously awful to each other and me in the driveway and walking into our house / washing our hands.
I'm trying to think of a new routine we could start doing when we get home to have things be more positive / less crazy making. I was thinking maybe a 5 minute dance party or 5 minutes of working on a big puzzle together, but they both thought those ideas were lame. Ha.
If you have a good routine for when you get home and your kids aren't trying to murder each other please share what it is!