Ok, this seems to be going a lot harder than it should be...one of my guys never takes a morning nap anymore, but will fall asleep at 11:15 while eating lunch, but then only nap for one hour. Other twin needs a morning nap, but we've been cutting it off after 20 minutes because if it's any longer that is his only nap of the day! They are 16 month old twins. HOW can I get them to nap more than an hour, and what can I do to make the transition better? Tried moving back the morning nap but then they refuse the afternoon nap. I just feel like one hour is not enough for only one nap a day, and sometimes it's only 45 minutes! Doing as early of bedtime as possible but with twins and schedules we can't do earlier than 6:15 consistently. Night sleep is fine. Wake up anywhere 5:30-6 am.