We're about to do a long road trip with our (just) 1 yr old and 3.5 yr old. The older one is easy (though if anyone has amazing travel toy suggestions for a preschooler I'll take them!) but I'm at a loss for how to entertain the baby and wondering if anyone has suggestions for toys for that age. We'll have plenty of snacks and driving a lot at night/naptime, but we still have to do a decent amount during the day and he's an unreliable napper

I never had to deal with really long trips like this with my daughter bc we flew more often, and I'm struggling because he's beyond the "bat at stuff" age but not yet capable of focusing on a toy to really play with it. At home he goes from toy to toy, banging stuff together, throwing things, taking stuff out of containers, etc. Nothing really car appropriate. I'd love any travel/car-friendly ideas for something that might entertain that barely-toddler-age!