I'm curious if there is anyone else in a similar situation to me.

My DH is a consultant and he travels every Monday - Thursday for work. We're just starting our 4th cycle of TTC but as you can imagine, his travel doesn't always allow us to have the best timing (or do lots of BDing!). If his window at home doesn't coincide with our window for that cycle then we don't get much of a shot.

I starting charting my temps as soon as I got off of BC and have continued now that we are trying. I figure it will help me to stress less if I know if we completely missed our window due to his travel so I don't spend the TWW wondering if this could be the month (so far, we've been lucky enough to not completely miss it).

DH just finished his current project and will be working from home for a few weeks before the next project starts up so it looks like we will get to have one "normal" month of TTC.

Anyone else TTC while dealing with something that doesn't make timing the easiest?