pomelo / 5258 posts
@Dahlia: Agreed that if it were locker room banter it wouldn't/shouldn't be excused. I find it interesting that the men I've talked to have thought Trump was kidding about the sexual assualt behavior. It didn't read that way to me at all. I saw it as more of a "killed them all of course" moment.
And ugh, that video "apology". It looked like a professional wrestler's video promoting a fight.
cherry / 148 posts
@Corduroy: it didn't to me either. I've heard men say something to the effect of "she's hot, I'd bang her." "She's hot, would you fuck her?" kinda like what billy bush was getting at. Trump was describing what he'd actually done in the past and at that present.
persimmon / 1481 posts
Yeah this is crazy. The whole locker room talk excuse is B.S. And I'm sure lots of guys do say disgusting things like that, but paired with the actual accounts from women he's worked with and his own ex wife saying he raped her...it's way worse than a joke. This guy is scum and I can't believe anyone still supports him. These people are living in la-la land.
kiwi / 526 posts
This will hurt him. I think it's a nail in his coffin. I wasn't surprised when I heard the comments, though DH was shocked and appalled. It pushed him to vote for Clinton, when before he wasn't going to vote. So, I think this is slapping some people in the face, who were sitting out the election, to get up and vote!
grapefruit / 4187 posts
Trump is a playboy billionaire reality tv star turned presidential candidate. I am not shocked to learn he said something like this back in 2005. We've also had a president who cheated on his wife in the Oval Office and LIED to the public about it. Neither are things I am proud of as an American.. but this doesn't outrage me at all. When I was lied to that made me mad. And I agree that tons of boys and immature men talk like this, usually to each other in private. So again, no outrage here.
squash / 13199 posts
@Corduroy: the video itself isn't as shocking the people in cnn trying to justify it. Trump could kill a baby and his supporters would be OK with it
pomelo / 5257 posts
@Modern Daisy: The difference to me between Trump and Clinton is Clinton's indiscretions happened between two consenting adults. Yes, cheating on your wife is gross. Yes, having an affair with a young intern is extremely inappropriate. But Trump is talking about assault. Walking up and grabbing a woman without consent. That is far worse to me, not to mention illegal. Adultery (which Trump has also engaged in and I'm sure lied about, though not in the Oval Office) is disgusting, but perfectly legal.
admin / wonderful grape / 20724 posts
@MrsSCB: I would go one further than that! Trump hasn't just been talking about kissing and grabbing women without their consent... he has been actually doing it, taking advantage of his position of power running pageants and doing business!
So, so wrong.
pomelo / 5257 posts
@mrbee: Good point, I was reading about that, too! He apparently started groping her and trying to kiss her IN Ivanka's childhood bedroom. Disgusting.
grapefruit / 4321 posts
@Modern Daisy: Jesus. Being lied to about an extramarital affair between two consenting adults is more upsetting to you than sexual assault? Lord help my daughter growing up in a world where people like you are raising sons.
pomelo / 5573 posts
@Modern Daisy: So you're cool with an "immature man" being president? Or do you think he's matured since 2005 (a reminder that it's not like he was in his 20s, he was 58 at the time) and what is it about his behaviour that leads you to that conclusion?
admin / wonderful grape / 20724 posts
It's great to be able to discuss loaded topics without it spiraling out of control. To that end, please help us keep this thread civil and without personal attacks.
nectarine / 2132 posts
@MrsSCB: I always just wait for you to reply because so many times (all the times?) you say what I'm thinking, just so much more eloquently. Thank you for helping my head not explode.
persimmon / 1481 posts
@Modern Daisy: It's a big difference because he could be and already is in some ways one of the biggest role models young men see growing up. I certainly do not want my daughter in school with boys who see this horrific behavior. It is so disgusting that Donald Trumps comments have become so normal. I'm absolutely grateful that this seems to be the one thing that finally got people's attention. Sexual assault is not just locker room banter. This is so much bigger.
You're not outraged at his comments, but would you be outraged if you or your child were one of his victims?
persimmon / 1481 posts
@mrbee: Ong that article literally makes me nauseous. I can't even wrap my mind around my daughter growing up in a country where this excuse for a man is president.
admin / wonderful grape / 20724 posts
@turquoisemama: There are parallels to the Bill Cosby case here. What was so convincing in that case (in addition to the leaked deposition transcript) was that so many women reported similar incidents. I wonder if women will start coming forward to share their own stories about Donald Trump.
grapefruit / 4187 posts
@Truth Bombs: wow, your comment was totally inappropriate and I don't even know how to respond.
To others who respectfully pointed out the other side of the argument: no, I am not okay with sexual assault of any kind. Hopefully any woman assalted by Clinton or trump comes forward and gets justice. I am only stating my opinion on locker room banter/bragging that was done in private over 10 years ago. It is disgusting but doesn't shock me or change my opinion of Trump. If this turns into a bill Cosby type situation that would be different, but as of this moment I still view him in the same light I did prior to the Clinton campaign releasing this tape.
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
@Modern Daisy: The Clinton campaign did not release the tape. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.washingtonpost.com/amphtml/lifestyle/style/nbc-delayed-publication-of-lewd-trump-tape-because-of-lawsuit-fears/2016/10/08/a3c6850e-8db9-11e6-875e-2c1bfe943b66_story.html?client=safari
In a free press, media wants the American public to know fully the character of the Republican nominee.
grapefruit / 4187 posts
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: I was joking about that. Their timing was great though!
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
@Modern Daisy: oh the timing was really perfect for Pence. Can you imagine if the tape was out in time for that question at the VP debate? Pence told us we didn't hear Trump call Mexicans criminals and racists, but what about grabbing pussy?
I will take little government Republicans over this obnoxious breed Trump and Palin have brought out of the shadows any day. Give me a Bush! Not Billy though.
This is serious business. A person can be judged by something they said or did 11 years ago. His behavior has not changed. Cruz told us to look at a person's life's work. Trump loses to Clinton every time.
clementine / 849 posts
The major issue I have with dismissing it as just "locker room antics" is that this type of banter is NOT ok (no matter how often it happens) and letting it happen without outrage helps perpetuate a serious dangerous culture of sexual violence against women. His language described assaulting women based on his power. If you're not offended I'll go ahead and be disgusted for you.
grapefruit / 4187 posts
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: totally agree about Trump being obnoxious and Hillary winning public opinion as the better person. I'm only chiming in to say that this tape doesn't change my opinion of trump and that while this type of talk is disgusting I also don't think it's totally unusual for certain men to talk like this in general, as Mr. Bee pointed out earlier.
grapefruit / 4321 posts
@YogiRunner: Thank you. Spot on. Not being outraged means this behavior is acceptable. If that's what we are teaching our children then we are failing.
GOLD / watermelon / 14076 posts
@YogiRunner: The whole "boys will be boys" mentality is so upsetting to me. If my daughter were old enough to understand what's going on I can't imagine telling her, "Sorry honey, this is how men talk so time to just accept it." When you dismiss comments like this as "locker room banter" then you're part of the problem.
grapefruit / 4800 posts
I donno, I don't think that's normal locker room talk. DH thought the tape was hilariously terrible but said no way someone would say that stuff even in a locker room without people thinking the guy was pompous and sketchy.
persimmon / 1483 posts
@Maysprout: this, exactly. If the tape was just him bragging about how many women he's slept with in however crass the terminology, or even commenting on a women'a body, I may be willing to balk it up to immature banter. He is literally talking about sexually assaulting women and getting away with it because he's famous. In what universe is that acceptable to anyone???
pear / 1718 posts
This is his mentality BEFORE he (potentially) becomes the most powerful man on the planet. I can't even imagine the stunts he would pull under the protection/privilege of the power of the White House/office of POTUS. As the saying goes, power corrupts--absolute power corrupts absolutely.
persimmon / 1481 posts
@Modern Daisy: But women HAVE come forward and said he has done these things long before this tape was even released. How is this different that Bill Cosby? I mean the crime is different but it's still a crime and real women have been victimized by him. And here he is bragging about it. It clearly shows the sociopath narcissist that he is.
pear / 1823 posts
So this is little off topic, but do you think there will be any fallout for Billy Bush? He certainly seemed to be egging Trump on. I hope he doesn't walk away from this unscathed.
persimmon / 1481 posts
@mrbee: Oh absolutely. I think it's only a matter of time before women get the courage to come forward. I also wonder if there will be clips from The Apprentice that were unaired. I'm sure there's tons of stuff he said.
persimmon / 1481 posts
@Truth Bombs: You were harsh with Moderndaisy but I actually agree with you in terms of the big picture. We cannot let this type of behavior happen. We have to teach our sons that it is unacceptable and teach our daughters not to put up with it. The longer we write it off to "boys will be boys" the more we are saying it's okay for them to treat women this way.
admin / wonderful grape / 20724 posts
@turquoisemama: Maybe the Apprentice tapes will come out after the second debate:
persimmon / 1339 posts
I think it just solidifies him as the embodiment of:
-Male privilege
-White privilege
-Celebrity/affluence privilege
-Power privilege
persimmon / 1479 posts
@mrsbookworm: I hope so. I also find his behavior repulsive. I hope the Today show drops him.
eggplant / 11824 posts
@winter_wonder: @mrsbookworm: I just saw trending on FB that the today show has dropped him (at least for now).
nectarine / 2132 posts
@winter_wonder: @mrsbookworm: It was just announced he's suspended indefinitely.
eta: @yoursilverlining: beat me to it
persimmon / 1479 posts
@yoursilverlining: @jmarionsmith: good! I hope it ends up being permanent.
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