Before daycare, LO was as predictable as a baby can be. 3 hours was her max awake time, and she would take 2 naps. She would fall asleep at 7pm after nursing and then sleep until 5:30, nurse and go back to sleep until 8ish.

After 3 days of napping at daycare, her sleep schedule is upside down. She naps for only 1 hour at daycare after being awake for 4 hours. Then i pick her up and try to get her to nap for another hour or so. I was able to get her to nap around 4 pm the first 2 days, but she really fought it on the third/fourth day. Finally yesterday i put her to bed early and she was asleep by 6:30pm.

It has become really difficult to put her down to sleep these days, and i really believe it is because she is overtired. Any suggestions on how i should change her schedule?

Should i try to put her down for a nap when she comes home, and move back her bedtime? Or should i just move up her bedtime so she goes to bed early?

She has been waking up at 6:30, and if this continues she will be awake for 5.5 hours before her first nap at daycare.

Sorry it's so long. I worked so hard to get her sleep to where it was, and i feel helpless because i have no control over how she is at daycare!!