Hellobee Boards


TTC #1 Support Group- 6 months +

  1. AmeliaBedilia

    nectarine / 2192 posts

    Decade (Age: 20s/30s/ect): 33
    Cycle #: 10 if you count the month we took the paragard out mid-cycle, I ran a half marathon, and I had unbelievable stress
    Did you spend any time NTNP? How long? no
    Have you had any BFPs? no
    How long is your usual cycle? 26-27 days. I ovulate day 14-15, with a 11-12 day LP
    Conception Tools (OPKs, ect.): I temp, preseed. Sometimes use circle and bloom.
    Fertility Aids/Medications: Just started metanyx and metformin this cycle. I don't have PCOS, by my insulin level was higher than my doc expected, so figured it was worth a shot
    Do you track 2WW symptoms?: I try not to, but yes. I convince myself I am pregnant most months. Argh!
    How do you stay positive? I am not good at this. I try to remind myself that getting pregnant sooner would have caused problems in other ways, I remember that the original plan was to start trying this spring/summer, I pray and try to remember that God's plan is better than mine, and I love these boards.
    CD: 16
    POAS date:Period is due 2/5, we'll see if I make it past then.

    @bluestriped bee: It is so hard when that happens when it's BD in FW, I can't imagine how hard that must be when you're planning IUI.

  2. mrs bunchy

    kiwi / 533 posts

    Decade (Age: 20s/30s/ect): 26.. Almost 27
    Cycle #: 19 w/ 1 mc in the mix.
    Did you spend any time NTNP? How long? October 2011 til April 2011
    Have you had any BFPs? 1. mc at 6.5 weeks
    How long is your usual cycle? 28-30 days
    Conception Tools (OPKs, ect.): OPK, preseed,clomid, legs up, BD every other day when it counts & fertility friend app.
    Fertility Aids/Medications: clomid 100mg
    Do you track 2WW symptoms?: I used to, but now I just drive myself crazy over analyzing !!!
    How do you stay positive? Just remember whatever happens is because it was meant to be that way. DH always gets me flowers when I start the clomid, he melts my heart
    CD: 12.
    POAS date: 2/13

  3. Snowdrop

    pear / 1846 posts

    @mrs bunchy: nice to have you but hope you don't stay long!

  4. mrs bunchy

    kiwi / 533 posts

    @Snowdrop: thx! I'm hoping one of these months something will give. Otherwise, we will be moving onto IUI/IVF. Before clomid I had lower #s for progesterone, so my dr thinks this should help it out. After 5 cycles on it, my progesterone has increased by 22. Now those swimmers just need to find their bait ! Ha

  5. Snowdrop

    pear / 1846 posts

    @mrs bunchy: fingers crossed! If only it was as simple as having sex! Hahaha

  6. Mrs. Chickadee

    cherry / 119 posts

    Oh, I'm glad there is a new thread! I'm in!!!

    Decade (Age: 20s/30s/ect): 30s
    Cycle #: 10
    Did you spend any time NTNP? How long?: Nope - got right to it!
    Have you had any BFPs?: Not even a squinter!
    How long is your usual cycle?: 29-31 days
    Conception Tools (OPKs, etc.): I use OPKs and chart with FF.
    Fertility Aids/Medications: None yet.
    Do you track 2WW symptoms?: No. I used to but I have sort of given up on it.
    How do you stay positive?: Like some of you, I really don't. I am pretty discouraged. I think I would have to take like 100 tests to believe it if I ever got a BFP. The only thing that keeps me a little positive it's telling myself that I still have a lot of options left. I haven't even begun fertility treatments yet so there are many things that I can still try and I'm hopeful that something is going to work.
    CD: 28 (no AF yet but temp has dropped so I think I'm out)
    POAS date: Next cycle - February 27th

    I'm so glad to have you ladies to talk to! Hugs

  7. deactivated_account

    GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts

    I'll join in on this thread!

    Age: 31
    Cycle #: 9
    Did you spend any time NTNP? No. I was off BC for over 1.5 years before we started trying, but I was still absolutely trying to prevent during that time. Seems silly now.....
    Have you had any BFPs? No. Sucks.
    How long is your usual cycle? 27 days
    Conception Tools (OPKs, ect.): OPKs. Im contemplating temping but only because I've had a fever twice in the past three weeks and find I actually weirdly enjoy taking my temp.
    Fertility Aids/Medications: prenatal vitamins and baby aspirin.
    Do you track 2WW symptoms?: no.
    How do you stay positive? I love my life as it is and am fairly worried about a baby destroying my leisurely lifestyle. So another month with a negative means another month keeping the status quo. I wallow in negatively for one day each cycle when i get a bfn and that's it.
    CD: 5
    POAS date: 2/17

  8. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @MrsMcD: I am so frustrated we prevented for so long! Such a waste of time and money.

    I am so happy to have all of you here to talk to, but I hope our stays here are short.

  9. Snowdrop

    pear / 1846 posts

    So officially got brown cm/spotting this evening, I guess that means full blown AF tomorrow so a 10 day LP. Slight improvement of last month's 9 day. So here's to month 7... I was actually hopeful for a while this time

  10. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @Snowdrop: I'm so sorry, friend.

  11. Snowdrop

    pear / 1846 posts

    @Crystal: thank you!

  12. katieleigh_82

    cherry / 173 posts

    Decade (Age: 20s/30s/ect): 31
    Cycle #: 6
    Did you spend any time NTNP? How long? No
    Have you had any BFPs? Not yet
    How long is your usual cycle? 26-28 days
    Conception Tools (OPKs, ect.): used CBFM (I inherited ut from a friend) for 3 months now just using OPKs. Those monitor strips are so expensive!
    Fertility Aids/Medications: I have 2 clotting disorders (Prothrombin gene mutation -heterozygous, and MTHFR-homozygous) so I am currentky taking a baby aspirin, prenatal, and folgard
    Do you track 2WW symptoms?: I try not to but sometimes I find myself obsessing over every little symptom.
    How do you stay positive? I have been having a hard time with that this month. I've had a few friends who were either not even ttc or just started trying who all got BFPs and it is just so discouraging to me.
    CD: 12
    POAS date: 2/10

  13. AmeliaBedilia

    nectarine / 2192 posts

    @Snowdrop: I am so sad for you.

    @Mrs. Chickadee: welcome! I'm in a similar boat- 30s, on cycle 10, and I get so sad when my temp drops.

    @MrsMcD: Yes, all the trouble we went to avoiding. I also try to focus on the good parts when we get a negative- like freedom to sleep in.

    @katieleigh_82: it is so hard when everyone around gets BFPs by looking at their SO!

    We're in Vegas. CD 17, I believe ovulation was day 15. I am concerned my temps will be wonky with vacation, time change, etc. It is what it is. I am going to try to relax and enjoy the time with DH. Thankful for all you ladies!

  14. katieleigh_82

    cherry / 173 posts

    I work midnights and work 3 nights/wk anyone know if it is possible for me to temp accurately with my crazy schedule? I don't know much about it but from what I understand you're supposed to do it at the same time every day and gefore you get out of bed? If I am wrong or anyone can provide any insight I would greatly appreciate it.

    @ameliabedilia yes it is so hard and of course DH doesn't get it and thinks I'm an emotional basket case lol.

  15. deactivated_account

    GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts

    @Crystal: I can't believe the efforts I went to in order to prevent pregnancy. I really thought I'd get pregnant if semen was anywhere on my body. Like the sperm would travel invisibly or something. It's crazy that I now haven't been able to get pregnant even as incredibly intentionally "reckless" as we have been! Sucks!

  16. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @MrsMcD: I know exactly what you mean.

    And to echo others, it seems like everyone else gets pregnant when someone of the male species just looks their way! I know that's not true, but it's hard when there are new pregnancies announced every day.

    I was reading this blog post on ttc, and it was cracking me up! the blogger felt pregnant women were stalking her, because babies and pregnant ladies were everywhere. I feel that way right now!

  17. deactivated_account

    GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts

    @Crystal: I feel the same about being stalked! Maybe its just our ages.... But seriously... pregnant girls everywhere. Every day. Every place I go.

  18. katieleigh_82

    cherry / 173 posts

    Well I'm feeling extra disappointed today. I knew I was supposed to O either today or tomorrow whuch of course are both the nights I work. I won't see DH because I leave for work before he gets home and vice versa in the morning. So next time I will see him will be Wednesday evening. I had it planned that we woud just BD fri, sat, sun so at least we had something there "waiting". Well the first 2 days went according to plan, but yesterday he fell asleep early and it was a no go of course today my OPK is which means it will be again tomorrow as mine always are for 2 days, and by Wednesday I will have ovulated. Sorry for the long post just needed to vent, I'm super bummed right now....

  19. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @katieleigh_82: I'm sorry. I think you can still get in some decent timing!

  20. Snowdrop

    pear / 1846 posts

    @katieleigh_82: aw. I know that feeling. So frustrating! As for the temping. I did it on nighys and whilst my chart wasnt as pretty you could still see a pattern.

  21. deactivated_account

    GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts

    @katieleigh_82: but hey! You BDed on the second day before ovulation!! I think that is the key BDing date. So you are good to go. But I totally feel your pain. I see my DH for about one hour in the morning as we pass each other. It sucks.

  22. deactivated_account

    GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts

    Hey girls! I found a website while looking into maca powder that I think may be interesting to some of you. http://natural-fertility-info.com/fertility-diet. It has some super interesting info about vitamins and foods that are good for fertility. I basically want to bathe in maca powder now.

  23. katieleigh_82

    cherry / 173 posts

    Thank you ladies so much, I am so happy that I found this board, you are all awesome!!! DH says he is going to try to get home before I have to leave for work tonight, but with our weather and how far he drives I'm not gonna hold my breath. You have all made me feel a lot better though

    @Snowdrop thanks I would likely have to do the afternoon as that is my most consistent time as far as never being at work.

    Well I'm off to bed, gotta work again tonight. Have a great day ladies!!

  24. Snowdrop

    pear / 1846 posts

    @katieleigh_82: no just do it as soon as ypu wake up whenever that maybe. I do it at 6am on days and 4.30 pm on nights.

  25. katieleigh_82

    cherry / 173 posts

    @Snowdrop: oh ok I gotcha, thanks!

  26. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    I am dyyyyyyyyyyyiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnng to test, but I am barely 5 dpo. I don't even think I had implantation yet.

  27. AmeliaBedilia

    nectarine / 2192 posts

    @Crystal: I am 4 DPO so I'm right there with you. I am already wanting to symptom stalk, but then remind myself that it is useless at this point. I'm in Vegas and eating at buffets, so trying to eat plenty of pineapple.

  28. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @AmeliaBedilia: order lots of tropical drinks! Lol

    How is vacation going?

  29. AmeliaBedilia

    nectarine / 2192 posts

    @Crystal: Tons of fun. I did have one embarrassing moment. Some of DH's friends/colleagues are on the trip and everyone ended up coming back to our room unexpectedly. I hurriedly hid my prenatal vitamins and metformin in the bathroom. A few minutes later, I noticed my bra was out and hid that. Then one of the guys who wasn't feeling well saw my thermometer on the nightstand and wanted to use it. I was mortified and assumed he would realize. DH assured me that he was pretty sure that no one realized it, but I felt so awkward!

  30. Snowdrop

    pear / 1846 posts

    @AmeliaBedilia: oh no! I think your DH is right though, only someone else who had been struggling TTC would even understand about temping anyway.

    I've been having a think about my emotions and TTC. Every month I get so excited even though I would be totally shocked if it happened. I am going to keep BDing and tracking fertile CM and taking my supplements but resign myself that with my cycles how they are, it is unlikely I will get pregnant without some sort of help. I think that might help me manage my expectations.

  31. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @AmeliaBedilia: I agree- I don't think anyone would know what that was unless they were struggling to ttc. And even if I saw one, my first thought would be for a fever, not that.

    Is he attending a work conference?

    @Snowdrop: hugs, friend. After the first few months of it not magically happening, I did realize I needed to manage my expectations more. And, I agree, it's crazy how hopeful I am during the TWW, but still expect to get AF and would be shocked by a BFP!

    I am so happy to have you ladies to talk to when I am feeling down!

  32. Snowdrop

    pear / 1846 posts

    @Crystal: yes, I need to stop imagining what it would be like o get pregnant that month.

    I do not know how I would cope without you lot!

  33. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @Snowdrop: I'm terrified this month. This is our first real attempt since the mc, and I'm afraid of how devastated I'll be if it doesn't work out.

  34. AmeliaBedilia

    nectarine / 2192 posts

    @Snowdrop: @Crystal: sending hugs and good thoughts your way!

  35. katieleigh_82

    cherry / 173 posts

    Sending good thoughts to all of you. DH ended up leaving work early yesterday and made it home well before I had to leave for work so we were able to BD again! My OPK was positive yesterday morning and negative by the afernoon, so now the waiting begins. I know how you all feel about trying not to get your hopes up and just letting whatever happens happen, byt it is so hard and I'm so happy I found this thread so I can go crazy with you guys instead of alone lol!

  36. Snowdrop

    pear / 1846 posts

    @Crystal: it must be so hard

  37. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @katieleigh_82: woohoo! Fx for good timing.

    @AmeliaBedilia: thank you, friend.

    @Snowdrop: thanks for the love, friend.

    I'm trying to stay hopeful and positive!

  38. AmeliaBedilia

    nectarine / 2192 posts

    Today is CD20/5 DPO. I've been eating lots of pineapple and trying to lower stress. We hit O-3 and O-1. I'm hoping that's enough. (O-2 didn't work out- argh!) Debating on whether to think positively or to have low expectations to prevent disappointment. I am trying to remind myself that if I stay in my current job, that next cycle would be the most ideal for maternity leave. Yes, I'm a planner, and I would be happy to be pregnant either time. I'm just tired of the disappointment and TTC. I so want all of us to get BFPs and be on the October baby thread!

  39. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @AmeliaBedilia: I know exactly what you mean.

    Either way, it seems like you are in a good spot! And I will still keep the hope for your BFP this month!

  40. katieleigh_82

    cherry / 173 posts

    Just wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing, everyone still hanging in there?

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