Hello ladies, I'm new to this so please welcome me lol- usually I get ignored on these sites cos I'm a newbie..
So I suffer from Endometriosis and Adenomyosis, had been TTC baby #1 for almost 6 months when I found out I wasn't ovulating. Got some clomid, which triggered off ovulation again but didn't work 1st cycle. Now I had my second cycle, but my ovulation was off- I used a clearblue digital opk which displayed flashing high fertility for one day, I tested twice a day.. the next day prepared to DTD with hubby after work, the morning reading was still flashing high but by 5pm went straight to low (blank face). We BD'd anyway and also the next morning hoping to catch the egg assuming I'd already ovulated. Now I'm 16dpo and AF is late for the second day. When should I test? is this a good sign? I had some weird cramping around 10dpo but that was it. Had no more pain since. my back has been killing me, and my CM has been yellowy and watery. Help! xx