cherry / 167 posts
@SSLM- how are you feeling today? I told my mom yesterday that I felt like I was living "the day before my period" every day for 6 weeks.... Hoping that you're having a better day today.
cantaloupe / 6397 posts
@MrsLMA: I'm doing ok today! I can't wait to get a period.
I had my u/s this morning. It was fairly positive. There is still some "tissue" but they aren't worried and expect it to pass on it's own. Now I'm just waiting on a call from my doctor to see what our next moves are.
I'm feeling relieved.
cantaloupe / 6397 posts
Today was so great. DH and I went out an played 18 holes of golf. It was the first day I've really felt normal in almost 2 weeks.
How is everyone else doing??
cantaloupe / 6397 posts
I think I'm posting to make myself feel better but anyhow, my doctor called today and everything looks good! My blood levels went from 3000 last week to 500 on Thursday. She doesn't think we'll need to repeat as the u/s looked good. Now I'm just waiting on a period. Then we can try again! I'm feeling positive
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
@sslm: I'm glad you're starting to feel a little better! It definitely does get easier with each day that passes. Hopefully you guys can try again and have no issues. My nurse told me that people are most likely to have issues with their first pregnancy and then it's usually smooth sailing from there, so I hope that will be the case for you! And for me : )
cantaloupe / 6397 posts
@MamaMoose: Thanks. I've heard the same thing, a lot of people mc their first pregnancy. I'm praying it was a fluke and there isn't some issue. How is everything going for you so far??? Try not to google too much
pomelo / 5073 posts
Well, I'm joining this group as we suffered a miscarriage at 20 wks. I delivered our baby early this morning. I'm actually feeling at peace right now. I'm know I'll have moments of crying and being angry. The "good" news is we did see some chromosomal issues with the baby after it was born, like the cord was skinny in some places and thicker in others, so that makes us feel a Little better in that it was completely out of our hands. The whole experience did take away some of my fears of delivering, contractions, cervical checks. It was a process that completely sucked to go through, but I'm glad we did. Our hospital has a fantanstic bereavement group and they are being so helpful. Part of me wants to just 'deal with it' and then go home and not talk about it, but I know that's the worst thing we could do. It's amazing how many different people have told me their stories of miscarriages, especially ones that have had them as late as mine was. We need to wait 3 mths and then we can try again. Lord willing, we will be back here this time next year delivering a full term, alive baby.
cantaloupe / 6397 posts
@Jennimac: I'm so sorry you're joining us. I can't even begin to imagine what you're going through, with my loss being much earlier. We're here for you whenever you need it though :). Definitely allow yourself to grieve. I am a "put it all behind me" type of person too, and I managed to do that for a week or so and now I'm right back to feeling really sad. It's just so hard to know the "right" way to deal with this. Again, I'm so sorry for your loss and big hugs are coming your way!!
GOLD / wonderful coffee bean / 18478 posts
@Jennimac: i'm so sorry. thank you for sharing and i'm glad to hear that you have a good support system IRL, too. i was thinking about you all day yesterday and will continue to do so. *hugs*
GOLD / wonderful coffee bean / 18478 posts
@Jennimac: i'm so sorry. thank you for sharing and i'm glad to hear that you have a good support system IRL. i was thinking about you all day yesterday and will continue to do so. *hugs*
pineapple / 12793 posts
@Jennimac: I was thinking about you all day yesterday. I'm so sorry for your loss. (((Hugs)))
cantaloupe / 6397 posts
Well. It's now 3 weeks post MC/misoprostol. I'm still spotting and on Saturday a test still showed positive. Doctor says it's normal. Google seems to think it's normal. I'm beyond frustrated and that results in tears most days. I just want this to be over so we can start trying again.
cantaloupe / 6397 posts
Any updates from anyone?
I'm 4.5 weeks post MC and today I didn't spot! Yay! This is a huge development and I hope I'm not just getting my hopes up. I made a doctor's appointment for next week just in case. If I could stop spotting, I think my mood would really improve.
pomelo / 5073 posts
I'm 3 wks post delivery/MC, and still spotting. Last night I had horrible cramps and then more spotting.
I'm having a rough time. I feel like I"m in purgatory. I'm just at a waiting point with everything. I am waiting for my pelvic exam to clear me for 'special time' and baths. I'm waiting to start trying again, which will probably be around July or August. I'm waiting to hear if I get a classroom position, which I thought I was pretty sure about getting. Well, now the teacher that's due in May that's been hinting she is leaving may be coming back.
Can't I catch a freaking break here?!? I just want something to look forward to this summer. I need something to get me through these next few months so I don't lose my **** waiting around. If I get nothing and I'm spending these summer months waiting instead of getting my daughter. Then, I freak out worrying that we will have trouble or something will happen when we get pregnant again.
Then, to top everything off my pregnant co-worker was telling me how much her baby weighs, etc. Isn't that amazing--she asked? My husband was like, would you like to punch her if she wasn't pregnant and my immediate response was that I would still punch her despite the fact that she's pregnant. I wouldn't really, but I felt like it. I am not a violent person, but I'm just having a rough few days. Oh, and hubby's cousins had their baby a month early--she's fine. Everything is perfect for them.
We just have the messed stuff to deal with. This sucks.
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
@Jennimac: I'm sorry you are having a hard time. I know it must be really difficult to see so much happiness around you. Is there any way you can take a little more time off work? It sounds like it would be good for you to take a little more time to heal and recover before you try to get back to life's new normal.
cantaloupe / 6397 posts
@Jennimac: I'm so sorry things are going so badly for you. I agree with @MamaMoose, could you maybe take some extra time off? I've looked into it and found a therapist who specializes in infertility, mc and stillborn support, etc. Have you considered trying to find someone to talk to? It might help!
GOLD / cantaloupe / 6703 posts
We got our BFP today. I'm telling Hubs tonight and I keep wavering between so insanely excited and worried that history will repeat itself. It took us 7 full cycles post-MC.
cantaloupe / 6397 posts
@MaisyMay: Squeeeee!!! Posted on your other thread but had to post here too
pomelo / 5073 posts
So, life is looking up. I think I will have my choice of grades for next year in a regular classroom! I've decided that whenever I get sad or p'o-ed at someone, I am just going to channel that energy into my house. Already I've cleaned our bedroom, master bath, and closet. They look amazing!!!!! So, I'm taking it a day at a time. If I have a bad moment, I get it together and then move on.
pomelo / 5073 posts
So, about 5 weeks after...finally started again. So, now onto a new cycle and then wait 2 more cycles and then start trying again. It really hit me hard last night. I felt the cramps and knew I was going to start again. I'm glad that I 'know' my body so well, but it was really just a sucky night. Now, that it's the next day and it actually has happened, I'm moving on. It's okay. I'm onto the future.
cantaloupe / 6397 posts
@Jennimac: I'm sorry last night sucked! At least AF marks a fresh start, right? Try to think of it like that, I know it's hard
I'm still waiting on AF. It's 7 weeks post MC tomorrow. Blah. It's very frustrating to wait. I hate that I have no idea what's happening with my body.
cantaloupe / 6397 posts
Is anyone else out there? It's been 9 weeks and still no AF. I'm expecting it by Friday though. Even though we did "try" this cycle, I'll be happy with a BFP or AF at this point.
grapefruit / 4079 posts
I now find myself in the mc and waiting boat. Had d&c Thursday. Talked to dr today (must switch) and was told "it's no big deal" and they "happen all the time". B*tch. Yes that may be true but they don't happen to me all the time and my heart is broken. Ugh. I only spotted a couple of days so now we are in the waiting game. I am one of those women that needs to be pregnant again ASAP to move on and heal.
@Jennimac I'm a teacher too and we just got word on our placements and what not. I know the waiting makes life so much worse.
@SSLM 9 weeks and still no AF? Do you mc naturally? Hopefully you get a BFP!
cantaloupe / 6397 posts
@alison206: sort of, it was helped along by misoprostol. My body just took it's sweet time and my HCG has only been zero for about 3 or 4 weeks. I'm expecting AF on Friday if I read my O signs correctly!!! So sorry you have to join us here. Are you going to try again right away?
grapefruit / 4079 posts
@SSLM: Did they keep testing your HCG? I'd love to know if mine has dropped. Does it need to hit zero for AF to start? This is all so new to me! We are going to try again right away. If AF shows up in 32 days like they say she will that puts me Oing at the end of June. July is considered the best "teacher time" to get pregnant but I'd hate to pass up a month to try waiting for July.
cantaloupe / 6397 posts
@alison206: I tested a bit at home but also got blood work done. You won't ovulate until your hcg is less than 5. How far along were you? I think with a D&C it usually drops almost right away though, so you should be ok!
pomelo / 5073 posts
@alison206: i finally found out where I'm going to be at my school, but i can't talk about it until Wednesday. it's killing me because so many people at my school want to know and I want to tell them because I'm soooooo happy about it. I'm so sorry that you are here in this group. I am so upset for you that your doctor was so callous. Yes, this does happen more frequently than you realize, but it's just happening to you the first time. I know that when we miscarried my doctor had another mom that the same thing happened to her the day before. The way he told me made me feel comforted that I wasn't the only one and stuff like that. He didn't make me feel like, "Oh, you should get over it because it happened to someone else recently." That would rub me the wrong way if my doctor was like that.
I go back to doctor on Wednesday for my 'official' check up. Hubby and I already 'got busy' this weekend because I could not wait and it had been six weeks. Now we have 1 more month of waiting and then we can try again.
@sslm: fingers crossed more that everything works out!!
pomelo / 5073 posts
Soooooooo......we got clearance to start trying again! As soon as I get my period, then we are back on track! Yay!
grapefruit / 4079 posts
@Jennimac: Congrats on getting clearance! How exciting!
@SSLM: AF ever show?
cantaloupe / 6397 posts
@Jennimac: yes!!!! That's so great!!!!
@alison206: Yeah she came this morning. Onwards and upwards!
pomelo / 5073 posts
@sslm: Boo to AF, but yay you can enjoy your vacation with some drinks!!!!!
I'm trying to tame down the crazy TTC lady that lives inside me.
She is already stressing about whether hubby will be in town at the right time. I am taming her by reminding her we are just relaxing and having fun. We will see how that goes.
grapefruit / 4079 posts
I had my d&c 8 days ago and I think I'm gearing up to ovulate. I can already see CM changes and sex drive changes (even though we don't have clearance). This gives me hope my cycles will go back to normal. Noone in my normal life would understand my excitement at CM changes Only ladies who have mc can!
grapefruit / 4079 posts
@pastemoo: Thanks! We aren't going to try again this cycle though since my lining won't be built up enough. But I am still really excited. Oh the crazy feelings of TTC!
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@alison206: Fair enough, it's still really fun to be able to have good feelings coming back (even though the bad ones never go away). I'm excited for you.
cantaloupe / 6397 posts
@alison206: Did you end up ovulating?
I'm struggling this week. AF came and went, and this period between AF and ovulation really sucks. It's just making me so sad and I'm having trouble not thinking about how I would be about 20 weeks by now. It just hurts so much.
pomelo / 5073 posts
@sslm: oh my friend! I'm so sorry. That time between the start of AF and ovulation is so hard. I think sometimes it is harder than the TWW. I hope it gets better. I'm waiting to start our next cycle and then we will try. I have promised my husband that I will try to not be crazy when we are trying.
I'm getting ready to go and meet my cousin's baby. I don't know how I feel about it, but it will be better to do it with the two of us rather than in two weeks with the whole family. I think she gets it, but it's still going to suck.
cantaloupe / 6397 posts
@Jennimac: that's so hard. Luckily I don't know anyone with new babies except our neighbors. My sister just told me they're planning on trying for number two in the fall and that's already making me feel anxious. It's selfish but if they get pregnant before us it will be really hard. Good luck today!!! It will be rough but you guys will be ok!! Let me know how it goes!
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