Hey everyone. I am just finishing up my miscarriage and already looking towards the future. I thought it would be nice to have a thread where all of us in this awful boat could chat and support one another.
Anyone interested?
Hey everyone. I am just finishing up my miscarriage and already looking towards the future. I thought it would be nice to have a thread where all of us in this awful boat could chat and support one another.
Anyone interested?
GOLD / wonderful grape / 20289 posts
I had a miscarriage, had a baby, and will be ttc again in the fall. I'm just as terrified as I was after my miscarriage, but I do like that I have hope because of my lo. Id love to join your group when I start to ttc again! But until then I'm here for support, and just wanted to say good luck!
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
I'm in. I'm in my first month trying after a miscarriage at the end of Jan. Having a miscarriage makes TTC a lot more scary and stressful than it was the first time around. Ill be testing tomorrow
(two days before my period is due). By boobs are REALLY sore and tender and I've been having waves of nausea but I've also been crampy so I don't know what to think. I'm just praying that when we do get pregnant again that it sticks. I don't think I could handle another loss.
cantaloupe / 6397 posts
@MamaMoose: so sorry for your loss I'm crossing my fingers for you today though!!!!! Let me know what happens
GOLD / wonderful grape / 20289 posts
@MamaMoose: So exciting, wishing you the best! I got pregnant on my first try after a miscarriage, it was amazing! But I was also sooooo terrified the entire time. You never stop worrying, LO is 8 months and I still feel her tummy every night before I go to bed to make sure she's breathing!
@sslm: I don't remember if I've already told you this, but for me it really helped to do something to get some closure. I feel like with miscarriage it's hard to grieve when there's no funeral or anything like that. Jews use rocks on gravestones instead of flowers, so I found a rock that I love and wrote a message on the bottom of it for my LO. I have it out front so I can always see it and remember him (never found out the sex but I swear it was a boy!). I've also heard of people planting trees, or you can make a little memory box or something. Good luck!
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
Hi ladies. Well the good news is I got a BFP this morning! That bad news is... I've gone into full blown panic mode. I have been very shaky and I'm hoping its all in my head brought on by being scared. My doctor's office is being awesome and I'm waiting to do labs now and will repeat on Wed just to make sure everything is doing what it's supposed to. Trying to stay positive but it's really hard!
GOLD / wonderful grape / 20289 posts
@MamaMoose: Wow, congrats! Wishing you a sticky baby! It is very hard not to freak out. I actually had a lot of bleeding with LO so I ended up in the ER and I told my husband that we weren't going to be able to have a baby and I said that I didn't even want to try anymore after that because it's just too hard. But luckily everything was ok, it was just a bubble in my placenta, and LO is here and healthy! You'll get your LO too, so excited for you!
cantaloupe / 6397 posts
@MamaMoose: that's great!!!!! Just breathe. And try to stay positive. Chances are everything will work out fine, I know it must be hard to keep that in mind though.
Just curious - how long did you wait to start trying again? This question is for anyone out there...
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
We waited through one normal cycle and then started trying again on the next cycle. My cycles were normal right away (i.e. my period came 29 days after my miscarriage started). If you don't get to normal right away you should probably check with your doctor before trying again.
Thanks for the encouragement ladies. I just need to try to relax and think happy thoughts. Chances are this should work out, but every time I have a feeling similar to how I felt last time I get frightened.
pear / 1986 posts
@MamaMoose: OMG I'm so happy for you! I was wondering if you had tested! I'm wishing you all the best and hope that the fear subsides quickly and you can enjoy it like you deserve to!
GOLD / wonderful grape / 20289 posts
@sslm: The doctor said we could start TTC again after I got my period once. I had a very long miscarriage process, first I tried pills and then I had to have 2 D&C's. It took months! It sucked, but it gave me a lot of time to grieve, and the physical pain matched the emotional, which in an odd way helped. By the time I was allowed to start TTC again, I felt very ready.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
So sorry for your losses everyone!
I was SO terrified to TTC again after my miscarriage. Then, when I got pregnant again, I was convinced it would not end well...until we had our anatomy scan! Well, now I'm 30 weeks pregnant : ) My only advice is it gets easier with time (and the same goes for when you get pregnant again - every day the fear gets a little easier).
apricot / 403 posts
@MamaMoose: Congrats!
We are TTC after my miscarriage in December. I'm terrified and freaking out that I'll be a chronic miscarriage-er (if that's a word). What makes it awful is that it's so bittersweet for me to hear when close friends and family announce that they are pregnant and have due dates close to when mine should have been. On the one hand, I'm happy for friends/family, but I instantly gravitate towards sulking in my own misfortune. Advice for how to get past that??
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
@msmug: Thank you!
I know how hard it can be to feel jealous when other people get pregnant. Honestly, I think that's normal and OK. As long as you are still outwardly supportive and I think it's fine to feel a little jealous on the inside.
Hopefully all of us will have sticky babies soon. I think that's the best cure to the difficult feelings.
coconut / 8299 posts
Congrats @mamamoose! Sending you tons of sticky dust!!
We started trying 3 full cycles after our miscarriage. I think I needed the time to heal both physically and emotionally. After waiting 3 cycles, we got pregnant 2 cycles after that And now we have a beautiful 2 year old boy. So I understand and empathize with you ladies on your losses. It's especially hard when you become pregnant again because you start panicking and worrying. Sigh. I had 2 miscarriages and they both were so hard on me and my family. But miscarriages, as unfortunate as they are, happen to so many women and they go on to have successful and beautiful pregnancies. So hope is not lost!!!!
cantaloupe / 6397 posts
@msmug: So sorry for your loss. I am terrified of how I'll react if/when our friends announce pregnancies. It's scary to think I wouldn't feel happy for them, but I know I'll be so jealous.
Well, it's been a week and a day since I took the misoprostol to help my miscarriage along and I'm still uncomfortable. I just wish the physical pain would go away as it's a constant reminder of what's happened.
I'm going for an u/s and blood work for levels on Friday. I am just praying everything will be gone...
cantaloupe / 6397 posts
@banana: I'm glad to hear you conceived again so quickly. That gives me a lot of hope!
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
@sslm: I'm sorry you are still hurting. I know how hard that is. I hope everything goes well Friday.
I just started cramping with some very mild spotting so unfortunately I think I'm miscarrying again. I'm terrified I will never be able to maintain a pregnancy... I'll find out tomorrow what's going on exactly.
cantaloupe / 6397 posts
@MamaMoose: Oh no! I am crossing my fingers for you. Some of that can be normal so I hope that's the case for you.
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@sslm: So sorry for your loss!
After my miscarriage, I got pregnant right away (BFP about 8 weeks after miscarriage). And still, I sometimes miss the first baby.
Good luck with your blood tests. It took me 3 weeks to get back to "normal" but for me (as for artbee) the physical pain helped me have a "good" (tangible) reason to cry.
@artbee: That is a beautiful idea. And you're right. Mourning is so important in healing.
@winniebee: I was terrified until my car accident at 28 weeks--seriously the majority of this pregnancy I've worried about this little guy, but now I'm finally enjoying him (9 weeks to go!) TTC and pregnancy after a miscarriage are both a little different than TTC and pregnancy "as usual." BUT actually miscarriages are so common, I think you will get a lot of support on this thread.
Good luck ladies!
@MamaMoose: Good luck. I hope you and baby are ok. And if not, talk to Running Elley--she's been there, too. Hugs.
cantaloupe / 6397 posts
@pastemoo: thanks. Did you have a natural miscarriage? We're anxious to try right away, but waiting on advice from the doctor.
cherry / 167 posts
Hi all! It's a bummer that we are all part of this group- but I'm happy to have it:) @MamaMoose- congrats!:) I'm sending good sticky baby vibes your way.
I miscarried at 6 weeks on Feb 15th and am STILL waiting for hCG numbers to go down to zero. Levels had dropped to almost nothing, then started doubling again like a normal pregnancy. 2 weeks later, there was no indication that I'd have a normal pregnancy (or viable) so I was given methrotrexate to stop the dividing of cells. I'm going in Friday for what will hopefully be my last beta- praying for a big fat ZERO!
@SSLM, I feel you on wanting to just get on with the TTC! We were told to wait until I had one period. It's been about 6 weeks and my Dr said that if it hadn't happened naturally he'd give me Provera to jump start my cyc,le. I'm going to ask about it after my hCG levels hit zero.
mY two best friends are pregnant and I'm struggling with keeping my jealousy at bay:( I am SO SO SO happy for both of them- they both will be amazing moms and I can't wait to celebrate with them, but I really, REALLY wanted to be pregnant. Hoping that things happen quickly once we start TTC again.
cantaloupe / 6397 posts
I must be going through all of the stages of grief because today I am f-ing pissed off that I am posting on this thread. I'm mad for everyone else on here too. This is just so unfair :'(
grape / 79 posts
Miscarriages are so hard and some days your emotions seem to be all over the place. The hardest for me is seeing all these pregnant women out and about, it was like a bunch wherever we went. Miscarriages make your next pregnancy so hard, because even if you try to stay positive in the back of your mind you are just so nervous and looking for any sign. I think this forum is great support and most of all, it is ok to feel all your feelings negative or positive. Also, it is ok to let yourself have a bad day. Best wishes for everyone on here.
cantaloupe / 6397 posts
@spaina96: Thanks so much for posting
Is anyone else around this evening? I'm having such a bad day. I can't stop thinking about what was lost.
apricot / 348 posts
@sslm: I have days like that too. When all I can think about is that I would have a two year old right now, or a one year old. It sucks, doesn't it?
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@sslm: We did. Doctor told us to use protection, but we didn't. Actually, we actively tried, against the doctor's recommendation (Ok, I read plenty of articles first).
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
@sslm: I'm sorry you are having a rough time. It's ok to be mad. I know I was. I know it doesn't help much but it's likely that your body knew something just wasn't right. Hopefully we will all get sticky babies and come out ok on the other side of this.
My blood work came back good today (more than doubled from Mon). I got back Friday to make sure things continue to go well. I'm hoping to be an example that things can go well even after experiencing a loss. I'm still scared because of the experience. My doc tried to convince me today that I need to go on antidepressants because I'm not handling the anxiety well. I'm trying to hold off if I can though for the safety of the baby.
coconut / 8681 posts
@sslm: I totally get having a bad day. I don't think you should even feel bad about it. It's the worst thing to have to go to, as a woman knowing that the one thing that you wanted most didn't happen because of something that you couldn't control.
I'm pregnant right now (10 weeks) after 2 miscarriages and I still have days like that. I just passed the EDD from my first MC and the second one is coming up in June. Even though I'm thrilled and totally in love with this pregnancy it's hard to think about the babies that we were equally in love with and don't have.
@MamaMoose: Great news! I hope that everything continues to go well for you! I have had those exact same thoughts about never being able to carry a pregnancy to term multiple times and I'm still scared of it even now! It's completely normal.
*Big group hug to this whole thread!
GOLD / cantaloupe / 6703 posts
@sslm: You created the group! Thanks for mentioning that you were considering it on my wall
Hubs and I miscarried in August, were told to wait 2 cycles, and have been trying since. I'm in the middle of a TWW and want this to be it for so many reasons...not the least is that my insurance runs out at the end of the year and this cycle would give us a Dec 4 due date. I hate that we're all in this group, but glad to be with friends!
cantaloupe / 6397 posts
@MrsLMA: so sorry for your loss. I can't believe how long this whole process has been for you
@beka: It really, truly does.
@MamaMoose: So glad your blood work was good! That's awesome. About the anxiety - have you talked to a therapist at all? My sister does and it really helps. We have a history of anxiety disorders in our family. If you absolutely need medication, then go for it, but it's definitely best to avoid it.
@Running Elley: Thanks! I'm so happy that your pregnancy is going well. After all you've been through you more than deserve this
@MaisyMay: I was wondering where you were! Nobody really wants to be here but it's nice to have support from people who have gone or are going through the same thing. I am SO hoping this TWW has a positive ending for you (pun intended!!!) !!!!
cantaloupe / 6397 posts
I took a test this morning and it's still showing very positive which bummed me out. I have my ultrasound tomorrow so I am trying hard not to jump to any conclusions before that.
cherry / 167 posts
@SSLM- my doctors told me that "cautious optimism" is always the best way to go. Keep us updated after the u/s tomorrow:)
I FINALLY got my period this morning! I've never been so excited to see AF:) I'm feeling like this process is finally over.... 6 weeks later and not a minute too soon. My emotions/moods have been all over the board (started crying in the middle of a run last night) and I'm ready to move forward.
GOLD / cantaloupe / 6703 posts
@sslm: Hubs and I went out of town Tuesday/Wednesday so I didn't see the thread until last night.
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