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TTC after Miscarriage Group

  1. MrsH

    honeydew / 7667 posts

    Hi guys. I'm having a D&C tomorrow so although we aren't starting to TTC quite yet we are moving forward towards it. How long did you all wait before you started TTC again?

  2. sslm

    cantaloupe / 6397 posts

    @MrsH: We didn't wait at all, against our doctor's recommendation. Usually they say to wait at least until your first period, sometimes they suggest longer. I'm so sorry this is happening

  3. singingbee

    pomelo / 5073 posts

    @MrsH: I'm so sorry for your loss. We were told to wait 2-3 cycles, but after I had 2 cycles, my doctor told me we could try again. We waited another month for emotional reasons. We started back this last month and we not successful. HOpefully this month we will be. : /

  4. Dr. Pepper

    apricot / 461 posts

    @MrsH: After my first m/c (June 5th) I was told to wait 1-2 cycles to try. My hubby and I were going on vacation to the beach and didn't want to be careful while gone and the doctor said that it would be okay if we were to get pregnant again right away. Well, we did get pregnant without even having 1 cycle after the m/c. Well... just this weekend (July 21) we m/c'd again. We are going to wait 1 cycle for sure before trying again this time.

  5. singingbee

    pomelo / 5073 posts

    @Dr. Pepper: I'm so sorry to hear that you miscarried again. Hugs!!!

  6. ladybee

    grapefruit / 4079 posts

    @MrsH: We were told to wait for one natural period before trying. It took exactly 6 weeks for my period to show and this is our first cycle trying again. It's looking like this will be another 6 week cycle. We were also told not to have sex or for me to insert anything for 2 weeks. No pool or hot tub for 4 weeks.

    @Dr. Pepper: I am so sorry to hear that you mc again. Life can be so unfair. HUGS!

  7. futuremama

    clementine / 854 posts

    Hi everyone, I had a D&C on 6/29. We found out at 9 weeks that baby had no heartbeat and was only measuring 6 weeks. The dr. originally said to wait for my first period, which hasn't come yet. I went in for my follow-up appt yesterday. She said everything looks great, and that I was ok to TTC again even without the period. She also mentioned that she thinks I'm ovulating, so we're going to try for this month. Good luck to all of you!

    @Dr. Pepper: So sorry to hear about your loss. So many hugs to you!

  8. MaisyMay

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6703 posts

    @futuremama: I'm sorry to hear about your loss, but good luck trying again!

  9. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    Hey guys. I had a D&C on 7/25 after an ultrasound showed there was no heartbeat at 9 weeks (the baby was measuring right at 9 weeks). I'm finally to a point where I can think positively about it even though I still have rough days. My follow-up appointment is next week, so that's what I'm looking forward to at this point.

    My doctor has been absolutely amazing (she actually texted me yesterday to ask how I was doing). She said to wait until after I get my period and we can try again. I trust her, so that's what we'll be doing unless she says otherwise at our appointment.

    The one thing that gives me hope is the vast amount of women who have told me they miscarried their first pregnancy and went on to have healthy babies. You don't realize how many women go through this until they start talking with you about yours. Big hugs to y'all and I hope we all get our sticky babies very soon!!

  10. MrsCastro

    persimmon / 1491 posts

    i had a D&C on 8/16...

    It has been hard emotionally, but everyday seems to be getting a little better.

    how long did you ladies wait to actively start trying again?

    my Dr. told me to wait 3 cycles when everything first started happening. but after i had the D&C she told me that they tell all women to wait that long to heal emotionally but we would/ should be fine if we started trying after my first period.

  11. singingbee

    pomelo / 5073 posts

    @MrsCastro: we waited 2 cycles. My doctor originally told me 3, but when he saw me at 6 wks he told me we could start trying again. I was doing okay there emotionally. I had two normal periods and then my periods were very heavy after that. We are now on our 4th cycle post-delivery, but 1st after my original due date I think my body was kind of out of it, in limbo. Was it pregnant, was I not---just unsure. I'm waiting to see if we are pregnant this cycle.

    Emotionally, I was actually okay with the fact that we haven't gotten pregnant yet. I think my needed some time to sort itself out and I've gotten rid of some old lining, etc.

  12. MrsCastro

    persimmon / 1491 posts

    @Jennimac: as much as i would like to be pregnant again i know it would be good to not only let my body heal but also let myslelf heal emotionally.

    we will see what happens...i am crossing my fingers for you!!!

  13. singingbee

    pomelo / 5073 posts

    On to our next cycle..........I really had trouble with this one. It's our first one past our original due date. I almost lost it at our school Mass when one of the moms walked by with her new baby girl. I kept it together, but it was hard. She had a lost with her recent baby, so I'm very happy that this pregnancy worked for her family. It just was really hard for me to see.

    This one I'm using the CBEFM. Last time we used, we were pregnant, so here's hoping it's lucky.

  14. MrsCastro

    persimmon / 1491 posts

    I am ovulating. Like clock work, on the same day like the cycle when I got my BFP. CD21. Tempted to DTD with hubs but I know I should wait to at least AF comes to start trying again.

    ARRRHHH!!! Never wished for AF to come like I am now.

  15. singingbee

    pomelo / 5073 posts

    @MrsCastro: fingers crossed!!!

  16. MrsCastro

    persimmon / 1491 posts

    @Jennimac: Thanks. I think it's best to wait.

    How are u doing?

  17. singingbee

    pomelo / 5073 posts

    @MrsCastro: Okay......I started working out again and that helped. We are using our CBEFM this month and we've hit our first HIGH. that's good. I'm trying to be zen and it's going pretty well. We will see if it works in a few weeks.

  18. MrsCastro

    persimmon / 1491 posts

    @Jennimac: i am keeping my fingers vrossed for you !!!!

  19. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    Hi Everyone,

    I guess I'm joining this group now....

    My m/c was so early that it falls into the chemical pregnancy category. I'm just going to treat this as Cycle # 2 and carry on as I did last month.

    - I've suffered one loss (all be it an easy one in comparison) and I know I can cope.
    - I know that our sperms and eggs do work and we can conceive.

    My fear:
    - I'm terrified that it will take us months and months to conceive again. If it happens right away, it wont sting so much - but if it doesn't, I will feel sad at every milestone I would have reached in the lost pregnancy.
    - I'm scared it will happen again and next time I wont be so strong.

    Thanks for being there. x

  20. ladybee

    grapefruit / 4079 posts

    @Ali: In May I was almost exactly where you are (in terms of TTC and MC). Our baby stopped progressing at 5w6d and I was 7 weeks the day of my d&c. I was all about getting pregnant ASAP because it would take the sting away. I think I stressed myself out so much that I am still sitting here not pregnant. My BFP was also my first month off bc and TTC.

    Needless to say, we're still trying. Milestones hurt. I cried and cried until we hit 20 weeks and then I let go. I'm not sure where I'd be now. I have the same fear that'll it happen again, but the fear has gotten less and less the more time that passes. Hang in there!

  21. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    @Ali: @alison206: Hi guys, just chiming in here. My m/c was so long ago (it's been about 6 years) that I don't think about it very often anymore. Maybe it was because it was very early and I was on BCP - I never even thought to call an OB about the BFP, it was such a blur and I was busy as I'd just started teaching and gotten engaged. In a way I'm glad I never even kept track of the date. I just assumed we'd have a THB after the wedding.

    We don't know why it worked then and things aren't working now. Part of me hopes there is still a chance for us to conceive naturally.

    Okay, edit - we know why things aren't working now. Don't know why it sort of worked then!

  22. sslm

    cantaloupe / 6397 posts

    @Ali: hey, I just wanted to pop in and offer my support!! A loss is a loss, even if it's early, I know it must be hard. I had all of the same fears you had after my mc, and the ony way I could cope with the anxiety was to keep myself extremely busy. DH and I filled all of our weekends with fun stuff. We were lucky and got pregnant again on our second cycle after AF returned. I am crossing all of my fingers and toes for you!!!

  23. sslm

    cantaloupe / 6397 posts

    @alison206: I'm still so optimistic for you!!! I just want you to know I think about you all the time!

  24. MrsCastro

    persimmon / 1491 posts

    Did you ladies have HCG testing done after your m/c?

    My levels 3 weeks ago were at 1600 and then last Friday they were at 20...did it take a while for it to get back down to 0 for you??? Dr said i might not get AF until they are a lot closer to 0....arrhhh!!!

  25. savanarunner

    cherry / 141 posts

    Hi all. Unfortunately I'm new to the group. So sorry for all that everyone here has had to go through. I had a miscarriage at 12 weeks (baby measured 8) on 9/30. After a week and a half of continued bleeding I received an ultrasound that showed tissue still there and they decided to schedule a D&C (after telling me I didn't need one the week before). I had the D&C Friday and am still bleeding. Wondering if anyone had a similar experience and when you finally stopped bleeding?

  26. MrsCastro

    persimmon / 1491 posts

    @savanarunner: I am so sorry for your loss!!! I bleed for about three weeks after my D&C. I would say about 1.5 weeks of period like bleeding and then about 1.5 weeks of spotting. I got my Period back after 6weeks.


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