grapefruit / 4079 posts
@SSLM - The pain with each milestone is difficult. I don't think I'll be able to stop counting weeks until I'm pregnant again. According to FF I should be ovulating in the next 48 hours but I think it happened earlier this week. FF also says AF should show on June 11th and I so hope she comes on time or early. I'm anxious to start trying again.
I have friends who want to start trying this fall and the idea of them getting pregnant first makes me feel anxious as well. I so get it.
pomelo / 5073 posts
@sslm: it went very well today! I honestly think it was harder on her than it was on me. I think she has been starved for adult talk, especially with a girl. I left feeling very positive about everything. As much as I want our baby, and we would be about 28 weeks now, I know it is not the right thing right this moment. I have faith that we will have our baby very soon and that will be the right time.
cantaloupe / 6397 posts
@Jennimac: I really admire your strength. I am going to try to think more like you from now on I'm so glad it went well today!!!
cantaloupe / 6397 posts
@alison206: I really hope you get AF soon and are able to move on. I know that was a huge milestone for me. This is just so hard.
grapefruit / 4079 posts
It's amazing how a loss like this brings people together. I work in a building with about 50 teachers. I know them but I don't know all of them well. Once word got around about our miscarriage people who also miscarried came to my room to share their stories and words of wisdom. I feel like only women who have suffered a miscarraige know how consuming the pain can be and that it changes daily.
pomelo / 5073 posts
@alison206: It's true! You don't hear too much about miscarriages until it happens to you and then you hear EVERYONE's story and realize that you are not that alone.
There were several families at my school that experienced a loss just like we had. One family lost their baby at 30 weeks.
On happy news, I am on 2nd cycle post MC, which means, we are trying now!
grapefruit / 4079 posts
@Jennimac: Congrats! How exciting! I am patiently (not really) waiting for our next cycle. I feel like May is the slooooowest month ever. Especially since I am also waiting for summer vacation
pomelo / 5073 posts
@alison206: It does seem to go by so slowly. this last month was the loooonnnnngggest for me. We were waiting for school to get out (I'm a teacher), waiting to start the 2nd cycle, waiting to announce about my new position, waiting for summer.....just waiting. Clearly, I'm not that patient of a person, so I feel like this is something I am supposed to work on this summer, but man, it's difficult! Luckily, I made it through. Now we will see how patient I am dealing with this TTC business again.
cantaloupe / 6610 posts
@Jennimac: I didn't know you were trying again! I am SO HAPPY for you! I will keep you in my prayers that it happens quickly:) Are you using your CBEFM? Where are you in the cycle? Well, now I'm officially stalking you:)
pomelo / 5073 posts
@jholler25: My doctor cleared me once i started my 2nd is CD 1. My poor hubby woke up to me saying that I had horrible cramps, but happy news that we can start trying again. Luckily, he is used to me and loves me so he puts up with it.
I don't know if I'm going to use the CBEFM right away. I am trying to be chill about it, but it's already not working. I think I'm going to try and not worry about it for a few months and then see what we need to do. It took us 3 mths the first time, so hopefully it will be right along those same times. I am going to try and watch ovuluation dates and make sure I'm with hubby....his schedule is so crazy right now, but since I'm out of school now it should work out. Thanks for the support and prayers! I'm going to try and keep quiet about it all until we are 'out of the woods' whenever it happens again. I know that I will be on here a ton since I won't be able to talk about it in real life.
grapefruit / 4079 posts
Just sitting here waiting for AF to arrive (hopefully right on schedule tomorrow)! Saw a new dr since I had such a bad experience with the first office. The two dr at previous office said to go ahead and try as soon as you get your period. New dr said wait one more month. Um, no! I want to get this show on the road!
cantaloupe / 6397 posts
@alison206: I wouldn't want to wait either!!! I think in the end it's up to you.
I'm in the TWW, 6 dpo. Nothing much to report!!
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
@alison206: I'm really glad you got a new doctor, I remember it sounded like your last one was pretty insensitive. After my MC the doctor I saw that day told me we could try again right away. But once I talke to my primary OB after my labs came back, she told me I needed to wait a cycle. I was really upset at first and wanted to just ignore her warnings. But I ended up listening and skipping the cycle. I'm really glad I did. It gave both my body and my mind some time to recover. If we had gotten pregnant right away and something bad happened I would have always blamed myself for rushing things. We ended up getting pregnant the very next cycle and I'm 16 weeks today. Fingers crossed everything looks good so far. I know the feeling of just wanting to move on and get pregnant again so badly. And you should do what you feel is best for you, just wanted to give you that perspective.
pomelo / 5073 posts
@alison206: We waited an additional month to start trying. We are actually going to start this month. This past cycle, my body finally felt 'normal', like what I was used to, so I'm glad that waited one more.
I'm with @MamaMoose: that I wanted to make sure that my body was ready to carry full term and be as good as it could be. She is also right in that you have to do what's right for you guys. I'm super glad that you got a new doctor.
@sslm: Fingers crossed! I'll email you soon!
pomelo / 5073 posts
Yesterday was the family get together that I was dreading and it turned out to be great. I avoided that cousins' and their baby for the first bit of the get together, but after an hour I was holding the baby adn feeding her a bottle. She ended up taking a nap while I was holding her and I had her for several hours while she slept. Hubby stood next me and kept smiling at her. He later told me that I was very natural and it looked good seeing me with a baby. (cue heart melt) Now, he is anxiously awaiting ours.
grapefruit / 4079 posts
My mom still goes to my old OBGYN (2 hours away) and asked her, she said I could go after my period since I wasn't far along and had the d&c so I feel confident in my choice. However, I see what you are saying about something bad happening again. I would feel horrible. There are so many "buts" to the situation.
I believe that if I am not ready to be pregnant God will not allow me to become pregnant. We've decided after this AF we will NOT chart, or use OPKs but we won't prevent. Then after the next one I'm going nuts again
pomelo / 5073 posts
@alison206: I have the CBEFM and I decided pretty much the same thing you did. I'm not going to use it right away. I'm going to relax and just enjoy trying.
You do what's right for you and your hubby! Don't listen to us if you guys have it decided. But, know that we are all cheering you on with crossed fingers for good luck!
We will have our 'optimal' timing right before July 4th and I'll be here the entire week. Perfect or what?!?
grapefruit / 4079 posts
Still no period and it's been exactly 5 weeks since our d&c. @Jennimac: I think we're going to wait till my cycle is some what predictable and we're back on 32 day cycles. However, if that doesn't happen by my July O date, all bets are off
cantaloupe / 6397 posts
@alison206: 5 weeks is still in the normal range. It was 10 weeks for me but my HCG levels dropped very slowly.
I'm 10 dpo today and the TWW is really getting to me. I have a million different emotions about the whole thing. Feels good to start moving past the mc though. Finally. I just really want to be pregnant again.
grapefruit / 4079 posts
@SSLM: knowing it's still normal does make me feel better. What is the normal range?
I so understand what you mean - I can't wait to move past this and try again. I've never been good at TWWs. I even took a test yesterday and got BFN. We haven't been careful so I thought maybe. I can't wait to be pregnant again. Good luck on the TWW - you're almost there at 10 dpo. Keep us posted!
cantaloupe / 6397 posts
@alison206: I've heard anywhere from 4-8 weeks is normal! My doctor didn't want to see me until it was 3 months. So frustrating!!! Is your HCG back to 0?
pomelo / 5073 posts
@alison206: that sounds good. @sslm: is right. You are totally in the norm for getting your cycle back. Mine came back after 4wks, but I also delivered, so I thinkthat affected it too. My doc didn't check my levels afterward. He saw me 6wks post partum and felt my uterus and declared us good to go. We took off another month just to give my body more time and because we would have been due at an awkward time. Now we are officially trying and I can honestly say that these next three months are looking pretty good timing wise. Hopefully, one of the will work!
grapefruit / 4079 posts
@SSLM: I haven't had any blood work done since before the d&c. I am going in tomorrow but I don't think they're planning on doing any. I think they assume the d&c would take care of that.
I'm beyond frustrated right now with the lack of period. Today is a great yet difficult day. My best friend just found out she is pregnant. I am SO happy for her and I think she is the only person I could be happy for right now. I'm sad because I so badly want to do this together, I know we can if I would just get my period so we can get back to TTC. @Jennimac: the teacher in me says I need to wait to July to try so I have an april/may baby however I so badly want to be pregnant again so I can move on.
pomelo / 5073 posts
@alison206: I totally get it. If we get lucky tis first time I'd be due on march, ironically on our daugter's bday. It would be better on my schedule as a teacher to be due in April or may. I'll just take a healthy take home baby.
grapefruit / 4079 posts
@jennimac: I agree - I just want the baby. I don't care how it effects work. We've been getting medical bills and our latest one calls my procedure a missed abortion. really? ugh.
pomelo / 5073 posts
@alison206: yuck! Our hospital is amazing in the fact that if you have to deliver with a late miscarriage or you have a stillborn death, grants cover your cost. You don't have to worry about it along with everything else.
grapefruit / 4079 posts
@jennimac - that would have been wonderful. We are looking at $1,000.00 in bills. Such is life!
I go tomorrow to meet with a new midwife and Tuesday is my post op apt. I am anxious to ask about my period (or lack of it) and where we go from here. Sadly, I am wondering if maybe we got pregnant without a period but I don't "feel" pregnant so I am not going to test here. I'm going to be honest and let them know that we continued our married, no bc life and see if they want to test. My hopes are low, but they are still there. :-\
pomelo / 5073 posts
@alison206: I get it. I hope your appointment goes well. Have you had any blood tests done since your d&c?
cantaloupe / 6397 posts
This just sucks. Sometimes it hits me just how unfair all of this seems. Yesterday we were at my DH's gramma's memorial and all of his family kept mentioning pregnancy and when we might have kids and such, and I just got really upset. They don't know about our miscarriage, and I am sure if they did they would have been so upset. It's just so hard. It doesn't help that I have my period and obnoxious cramps right now.
I also just feel really negative, like we're never going to get pregnant again, and if we do, it's just going to happen again. I'm really pessimistic right now.
grapefruit / 4079 posts
@jennimac - Up until today at my follow up appointment I had not had any other blood work done. They are running my levels and I should know tomorrow what they are. If the test comes back not pregnant (which it will) I am to start taking provera to jump start my period.
@SSLM - I'm sorry you are feeling down. I understand where you are coming from. I think I've already prepared myself for another miscarriage because I keep asking "how many do I have to have before they run tests." Try to keep your head up, it will happen for all of us! But we are here to listen if you need to vent!
pomelo / 5073 posts
@sslm: hugs! It is very difficult. My friend that just had her baby early has complained about her difficulties, etc and it's taken a lot for me to bite my tongue and not say, "at least your. Baby is here. " I know she is going through a lot and I'm not into a 'let's see who has it worst' contest. It is just what we are dealt. Ours is hard enough and people know. I cant imagine if people didn't know. (I hope you don't think I'm awful for thinking that about my friend)
@alison206: fingers crossed for 'good ' news!!!!!
cantaloupe / 6397 posts
@Jennimac: of course I don't think you're horrible! I totally understand. It would be really hard to hear her complain, I'm happy I don't have any pregnant or new mom friends actually, I don't think I could handle it!! Thanks for the hugs. Every so often I just have a dark day. My period cramps probably weren't helping yesterday!!!!
cantaloupe / 6397 posts
@alison206: thanks! I hope your blood work comes back clean. It's great that your doctor is willing to prescribe provera! Things should be moving along soon for you
Let's all get pregnant in July!!!
grapefruit / 4079 posts
Bloodwork came back not pregnant. I forgot to ask what my levels were but I guess it doesn't matter since I'll start Provera today. I knew not pregnant was coming but for whatever reason I cried. My best friend just said "Ok, you know what to do. We are armed and ready. Let's do this!" lol I had to laugh, I am armed with my chart and OPKs ready to go.
pomelo / 5073 posts
@alison206: what a good friend! It's hard to hear/see the results. When I knew I was starting my first cycle post-MC, I cried. I stayed home and just cried. I was excited because that meant we were cleared to start trying again, even though we waited an additional month, but it was still hard.
grapefruit / 4079 posts
All morning I kept getting horrible cramps on and off. I didn't want to get my hopes up that AF was coming so I just laid in bed and watched tv. Sure enough, I'm spotting. I called my husband and told him, and his response was, "Is that good this time?" I said yes. I am so ready to put the past behind me and move forward.
@JenniMac - I'm sure it was difficult getting your first cycle. When I think of how hard this has been for me at 8 weeks I can not imagine how you felt or what you went through. You are so strong! I find your strength inspiring to keep moving forward.
pomelo / 5073 posts
@alison206: Thanks! There are days when I feel like I'm not that strong, but it's all good.
Your husband's response is adorable. Mine said, "Well, this is what we want and need to move forward, right?" and I had to agree with his positive thinking. You do have to move forward and unfortunately, you have to have a little sadness to do that, but the end result is worth it.
I was already freaking out that starting 4 days early this month would mess us up. Honestly, it's not even a good time for us, but I was so worried that we weren't going to even have a try. My husband was like, "Why all the worry if we don't even know anything yet?" he is right. I told I'm not going to worry. i don't know what my body will do and who knows, it may end up being perfect timing. Oh, but it's so hard to remember that I'm not going to worry about it and stress. So hard.
grapefruit / 4079 posts
@jennimac @sslm - I don't know where else I can say this and not be judged so I hope you ladies don't mind reading my crazy thoughts for today.
Yesterday, I woke up BEYOND tired. After 8+ hours of sleep I could have slept another 10. Went to a movie with a friend, shopped a little, and then went to Kohls and Target. Showered to go out with hubby for the night and noticed that I had a tan line from my wedding ring. I have olive skin, tan easy, and never burn. Here comes the stupid part: The last time that happened with my ring I was pregnant. On Wednesday, I had cramping on my left side for about an hour. Went away after. The last time that happened I was 8DPO and pregnant that month. Last time I felt this tired I was pregnant.
Crazy part? I just finished my period AHHHH. I actually let my hopes get so high last night, but this morning I brought them back down. I haven't even O'd yet this cycle. Damn you MC.
cantaloupe / 6397 posts
@alison206: I'm sorry!!! You can definitely vent here about anything you want!!! TTC after a miscarriage totally blows. I feel like AF is just worse bc when she comes I get angry bc I should be pregnant. When I am frustrated waiting to O it makes me mad bc I shouldn't be dealing with this, I should be pregnant. Everything makes you think of it!!! I just hope we all get pregnant really quickly
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