I am not sure if there is already a thread for this, but i thought i would start a group...i know there are other support groups for what other women are going through...
I got my BFP on July 28, 2012, our first cycle TTC after removing my implanon on June 20....we found our there was no HB on August 9, 2012. Had a failed D&C on 8/14/2012 (day after my bday), failed misoprostol on Wednesday, and finally went in for a medicated D&C...worst experiance of my life...
DH and i started TTC again once AF returned 6 weeks later (end of September 2012) we are currently at the tail end of our TWW of our 4th cycle with AF expected early next week....
At times i lose hope that it will ever happen again, as though the universe is punishing me for something that i have no idea how to fix...i am sad, i am angry, i am fustrated, i am irritable, i blame myself, i wish we had started sooner...and then i remember that i am human not with out flaws but there are somthings that i have no control over and i need to stop blaming myself for...i still imagine where we would be had my pregnancy progressed, but i know my angel is in a safer place...i know he is with my Dad and together they are praying for me so that i can get pregnant again....