I am the worst. LO only naps in his swing. We rarely buckle him because he doesn't move. It's the fisher price snuggabunny swing. Stupid, stupid, stupid. He never moves in it, I swear. He fell asleep and I left the room to do laundry, and I heard him wake up and fuss, which turned to crying. Walked in the room and he was face down on the carpet, crying.

Cue freak out. He stopped crying once I picked him up and I took him to the pediatrician to check him out. She said he's fine, but I feel like an ass. There are straps on the swing for a reason!! But I just didn't think he'd ever do that at this age. Apparently he learned how to shift his weight way forward when he's upset.

Please tell me I'm not the only one who has had this happen! I'm going to be paranoid watching him sleep tonight