Ugh so I went to bed last night feeling a little off... I woke up around 3am super nauseous and tons of crazy heartburn. I wanted to throw up but instead I took some tums and eventually fell back asleep, but I was breaking out in a sweat all over my body and afraid to breathe, that's how nauseous I was. This morning I woke up and threw up everything in my stomach. I ate a few crackers and drank some water and went back to sleep, then got up at lunch, had a little soup and some more crackers and ginger ale, and I'm about to go back to sleep again for an afternoon nap.

I'm not really nauseous anymore but I'm super queasy and feeling still very off. Baby is as active as ever so I think she's ok.

I'm thinking either stomach bug or mild food poisoning. I so wish I had thrown up at 3am because I'd be hours ahead of where I am now...

...because we're supposed to get on a flight to Tampa for our last hurrah at 8:45pm tonight. My MIL is arriving around 4:30pm by train to take care of Wagon Jr. while we're gone.

WHYYYY is this happening today?!?!?

I'm hoping when I wake up from my nap I will feel almost normal again.

I know the answer is probably "better safe than sorry, stay home, don't go"... but would you still go on your trip if you were in my situation? I'm 32 weeks today... got the ok from my doc to fly and all that.