I have been lurking for the past 6? weeks or so, discovered a little after DD (my first!) was born and she's coming up on 8 weeks. Can't believe I didn't find this while I was pregnant as I loved WeddingBee with my wedding planning! Thought I should officially register and introduce myself rather than just commenting in my head
My husband and I are west coasters (US) temporarily on the east coast for him to finish his Ph.D. which has been an interesting ride as we have had our first baby without local support. Luckily grandparents have flown over for a lot of time to help (but I've also had to deal with my lack of personal space which is its own issue). I am a medical professional and am going back to work next week and dreading it! But sadly am our breadwinner so I have no choice. We also have 2 dogs and 2 cats that keep us busy. We got the second dog as a puppy when we were having TTC issues and her adoption date was my LMP!
Current baby adventures include: cloth diapering, breastfeeding with pumping for work soon, baby who will only nap in the Moby and rarely sleeps more than 2 hrs consecutively at night, hiring a nanny (yikes!) and taking about 1000 pictures a day because I"m convinced DD is the cutest baby in the world (clearly unbiased).
That's it! Happy to finally actively join in