Coming out of my break to ask a question and needing some advice

In total we have done 3 IUIs with Clomid + Ovidrel. The last two were back to back in May. We decided to take a break in June/July. I'm about 4-5 days late in my cycle after stopping these meds. I am consistently 28-29 days and I ovulate on my own. I don't know if I ovulated this cycle b/c I didn't track. I feel like AF is about to start any minute with cramps and that "feeling" with CM which has lasted all of last week into this week. But my boobs are not as sore as they usually are. I took HPTs and all were negative (boooooo). Can you get PMS-like symptoms if you don't ovulate?

Could this be an anovulatory cycle? Have you heard of cycles being messed up after you stop Clomid?

How long should I go without a period before I call my doctor? A week? Two?
Google did nothing but confuse me!